NYC’s political elite were PARTYING with drugs, sex while everyone else was locked up at home during Covid

The jig is up for former senior advisor for public health in New York City Dr. Jay Varma who this past week was publicly exposed for engaging in raunchy, drug-fueled sex parties during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic.”

Steven Crowder captured undercover footage of Varma admitting that he was engaging in all sorts of perverse debauchery at the very same time he was telling New Yorkers to stay at home to stay safe from Covid.

“I had to be kind of sneaky about it,” Varma told the undercover reporter before proceeding to admit that he and his friends took ecstasy / MDMA while dancing and having an orgy.

“I did all this deviant, sexual stuff while I was, you know, like, on TV and stuff.”

NYC councilwoman Inna Vernikov spoke at a public gathering this week about Varma and former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio whom she exposed for the world to see.

“We couldn’t bury our grandparents,” Vernikov told the crowd. “People couldn’t attend burials of their own parents, all while one sicko was partying at the same time he was mandating this on all New Yorkers.”

(Related: Remember when de Blasio doubled down on forcing New Yorkers to get “vaccinated” for Covid as a condition of riding the subway?)

Tyrants getting exposed

It has been a really long time coming, but the dam is finally starting to crack. Those who spread Covid lies, including those who spread tyranny as the solution while breaking all the rules in secret like Varma did, are finally being exposed for the crooks and perverts they really are.

“Covid was a scam and millions suffered and millions will continue to suffer for years with all the small businesses that were forced to close and never reopen while the fat cats made billions!!!” wrote someone on Twitter / X about the hypocrisy of people like Varma.

“Covid was an experiment to see how far they could go to control us,” wrote another. “Guess what? They succeeded far beyond their expectations.”

Numerous others who live in the city added to the conversation anecdotes about how they and their families suffered big time under Varma and de Blasio’s rules, only to now find out that Varma et al. partied it up in the background where nobody could see them – until now.

“My family and my father’s friends couldn’t attend his memorial service because of the mayor, the city council, etc.,” one said about the tyranny that ruled the day in NYC during Covid. “They all need to be jailed and sued into oblivion.”

The far-left The Atlantic magazine once tried to defend Varma, only to now change its tune following his exposure as a crook:

More related news about the Covid crimes of the political elite can be found at

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