In just one month, U.S. authorities confiscate enough fentanyl to kill combined populations of California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas

In a single month, Mexican drug cartels brought in enough ultra-deadly fentanyl to kill between 54 and 127 million Americans, or roughly the combined populations of the states of California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas, new data shows.

One of the deadliest narcotic epidemics in history, the fentanyl crisis started long before Joe Biden and even Donald Trump were in the White House. The drugs are said to come from China, which hands them off to murderous cartels and their allies in Mexico for import into the United States.

Back in 2019, Trump quietly pressured Chinese President Xi Jinping to crack down on illegal fentanyl production in his country. Barack Obama, in the final days of his presidency, refused to do the same, handing the problem over to Trump who tried to work with major shipping companies like FedEx to refuse all fentanyl deliveries.

Trump’s efforts were successful in that they resulted in substantially lower fentanyl shipments at the border. The problem is that after Biden took over, the border was opened back up immediately on the day of Biden’s inauguration.

“He ended all funding to Trump’s border wall – which helped Border Patrol isolate threats to key spots along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border – and declared the emergency over, sneering that it was ‘unwarranted,'” one media report explains about what Biden did on day one.

In a statement, Biden himself said that “it shall be the policy of my administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall” – case closed.

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(Related: Fentanyl use is on the rise because Afghanistan is once again trying to eradicate natural poppy plants used for opium.)

America won’t survive another Biden-Harris term

Biden proceeded to appoint Kamala Harris, his vice president, to the position of “border czar.” Her job was to stop illegal immigration, but she failed as at least 10 million illegals entered the U.S. on her watch.

“At this rate,” one report explains, “experts expect that figure to swell to 30 million across the next presidential term should Biden or Harris win reelection in 2024.”

Most of America is hoping Biden loses, of course, but anything can happen now that rigged elections are the norm. And one more term of this could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for the country’s survival.

Hayden Ludwig, a research director at Restoration of America, put together a website called that, as its name suggests, tracks the crimes of illegal aliens, particular under Biden-Harris. So far, there have been 2,600 crimes logged on the site.

“Many of those crimes are drug-related – like an illegal alien caught driving with two kids and 29 pounds of fentanyl in her car – but even more involve sexual assault against small children, rape and brutal murders,” Ludwig says about his “first-of-its-kind website.”

“These are the ‘newcomers’ Biden and Harris want us to welcome into our homes. How long will Americans put up with it?”

While Mexican drug cartels are technically the ones bringing in the drugs and crime, it is the white-collar criminals in Washington, D.C. who are truly responsible for this nightmare.

“It’s Washington, D.C., and the people who live there who are killing Americans,” one commenter wrote. “Until Americans realize who their true enemies are, the killing will continue.”

“Indeed, it is not just Democrats, it is ALL of Washington, D.C., that is killing Americans, and is their mortal enemy,” echoed another. “However, it is not at all certain that Americans will come to grasp that reality.”

More related news about the destruction of America by the spooks in D.C. can be found at

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