Sermon 17: Mike Adams discusses the spiritual cause and effect behind the Armor of God

The Health Ranger Mike Adams talked about the spiritual cause and effect behind the Armor of God during his 17th sermon on the “Health Ranger Report” podcast, part of his 100 Sermons series.

Adams based his sermon on the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians, which is found in the New Testament. The sixth chapter of the letter talks about putting on the different components of the Armor of God – which includes the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit.

Many people tend to forget about the spiritual cause and effect, according to the Bible nutrition educator. They believe that when they put on the Armor of God, they will remain protected even if they commit sins.

However, this is not how spiritual cause and effect works. If one acts in a way that is congruent with truth, they wear the Belt of Truth. The same goes with the other pieces of the Armor of God. (Related: Nutrition Bible sermon: Mike Adams talks about the importance of putting on the molecular ARMOR OF GOD.)

“Acting in alignment with righteousness is putting on the Breastplate of Righteousness, while acting with a sense of faith means a person is adorned with the Shield of Faith. If a person acts in the Spirit of the Lord’s teachings, then he is using the Sword of the Spirit,” Adams said.

“When a person exhibits the attributes of the Armor of God, then the armor appears as a result which is the spiritual cause and effect. If you want to have God’s Armor against evil and to stop the fiery arrows of Satan, then you must act with truth, righteousness, faith, humility, compassion, peace, and with the Spirit.”

Many people think that God works only through miracles, but the Health Ranger said that is not how God operates in a person’s life. He continued: “[God] often teaches us that the results that we receive, which is His will, are the results of our own actions, that spiritual cause and effect is in play.”

Health Ranger: Armor of God is EARNED, not given

Adams pointed out that the Armor of God is earned by a person and is created through their actions. A person of high moral integrity is going to wear that armor every single day and in every moment.

“If you want protections, it starts within you. You cannot be an evil, wicked person and beg God for armor and have that armor bestowed upon you, and then suddenly magically be shielded from these other evils that you’re more afraid of. You must change who you are and act in alignment with God’s teachings, and then the armor is automatic because it’s spiritual cause and effect.”

Meanwhile, having the molecules of God – or God’s molecules through natural molecules in medicine, herbs, foods and botanicals – enables a person to have the molecular Armor of God.

The choice to create the Armor of God whether on the spiritual or molecular level is a personal choice. A person can’t build the Armor of God for someone else because it is a natural and spiritual result of someone leading a life of morality, integrity, truth and righteousness.

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Listen to the 17th sermon from the Health Ranger Mike Adams about how to put on the Armor of God.

This video is from the Abundance Church channel on

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Sermon 7: Being FREED by Christ and WALKING IN THE SPIRIT.

Sermon 2: The importance of HUMILITY and earning GOD’S FAVOR.

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