Sermon 25: BLACK CUMIN SEED as God’s natural medicine

Bible nutrition educator Mike Adams discussed the black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) as God’s natural medicine during his 25th sermon on the “Health Ranger Report,” part of his 100 Sermons series.

The Health Ranger based his sermon from the book of the Prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament, which mentions black cumin as being planted as a food crop in one of its verses (Isaiah 28:25). Adams said black cumin is widely cultivated for its aromatic seeds either used whole or ground. Black seed is used in different cuisines worldwide, but more so in oriental cooking.

Russians and Turks use whole black cumin for their breads, while Arabs mix it with honey as confectionery and sprinkle it on food just like pepper. Ethiopians add black cumin seeds to capsicum pepper sauces and sprinkle them on breads and cakes. In Europe, black cumin seeds are mixed with peppercorns while they are used in many drink mixes, pastries and recipes in Asia.

Malaysians use the oil of black cumin seed to treat headaches, nasal ulcers, rheumatism and inflammation of the male reproductive system. In Indonesia, black cumin seeds are added to astringent medicines for abdominal disorders.

Ethiopians also use black cumin seed for headaches by mixing it with melted butter, wrapping it in a cloth and sniffing it. Algerians also use black cumin by roasting it with butter for coughs and taking it with honey for colic.

In the Indian Ayurvedic medicine tradition, black cumin seeds are considered a purgative adjunct and antiparasitic treatment. In Lebanon, black cumin seed extract is used for liver ailments. Arabian women also use black cumin seeds to increase lactation – with medical studies attesting to the ability of black seed oil in increasing milk production in laboratory animals.

Black cumin is God’s FREE NATURAL MEDICINE for humanity

The Bible nutrition educator also cited the work of Dr. James A. Duke titled “Herbs of the Bible” that outlines black cumin seed’s ability to address asthma, bronchitis, coughs, fever, flu, cancer, tumors, snake bites, cancer and stomachaches. Duke’s book also cites black cumin seed’s ability to purge the body of worms and parasites. (Related: Black cumin seed: The ultimate medicine from Mother Nature.)

According to Adams, the black cumin seed plant contains rare molecules that serve as natural medicine. These powerful healing molecules are made from three elements – hydrogen, carbon and oxygen – that God gives free of charge to humanity.

God doesn’t want a corrupt system composed of insurance bureaucrats and doctors receiving bribes from Big Pharma and for-profit pharmacies to control people’s health. Thus, He has provided the medicine humanity needs in the form of plants – and people only need to grow and harvest these natural cures.

“This is one of those foods and herbs that needs to be used intelligently in the proper dosage for the proper reason. You don’t want to just eat endless amounts of black cumin cakes or whatever. You need to be mindful of this and respect its power and potency. But it’s yet one more medicine that’s put on this earth by God to help us. To help us stay well, to help us overcome disease and to distribute medicine,” Adams said.

“It’s decentralized medicine. It’s a medicine that’s put here on this earth essentially for free. You pay no royalties to God or Mother Nature. And if you just harvest the seeds, grow the seeds, grow the plant, and then share those seeds with others then you are multiplying God’s natural medicine and helping others heal. So, this is a miracle of God’s medicine and it’s available to all of us right now.”

Listen to the 25th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about black cumin seed being God’s natural medicine below.

This video is from the Abundance Church channel on

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12 Medicinal herbs and spices that can boost the immune system.

Black cumin seed, a traditional folk remedy, is becoming popular for its health benefits and synergistic effects.

Black cumin: Healing people for thousands of years.

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