Video reveals that shocking number of CDC officials who pushed COVID death jabs are JEWS with dual Israeli-American citizenship

Despite representing just 0.2 percent of the current global population, Jews overwhelmingly hold many of the top seats in American government, including at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

At a recent Marathon County (Wisconsin) Health & Human Services Committee Meeting, a local citizen listed off all the Jewish-held seats at the CDC who played an instrumental role in unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” on the world.

“The director of the CDC was Rochelle Walensky, dual citizenship with Israel – she’s a Jew,” the man states – Walensky’s husband is also corrupt, by the way.

“The deputy director of the CDC, Anne Schuchat, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew. CDC chief of staff Sherri Berger, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew. CDC chief medical officer Mitchell Wolfe, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew. CDC director of the Washington office Jeff Reczek, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew. COVID czar Jeff Zients, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew.”

The man would go on to list other Jewish-held spots in government, including COVID senior advisor Andy Slavitt, who likewise holds dual citizenship with Israel and is Jewish, along with “Assistant of Health Secretary for Human Services for our country, the assistant of health secretary Rachel Levine, transgender, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew.”

(Related: Be sure to check out our earlier report about how Israel’s lies about COVID and COVID “vaccines” unleashed genocide on not just the Israeli people but also the entire world.)

Big Pharma, federal government also occupied by inordinate number of Jews

Keep in mind that all of the aforementioned names just cover the government side of all-things-COVID. There is also the private sector, including multiple Big Pharma heads who, just like at the CDC, are Jewish and hold dual citizenship in Israel.

“The head of Pfizer vaccine, Albert Bourla, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew,” the man points out in the above video. “Pfizer chief scientist Mikael Dolsten, dual citizenship of Israel, Jew. Moderna chief scientist Tal Zaks, dual citizenship of Israel, Jew.”


Then there is the finance sector, including BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and BlackRock President Rob Kapito, both of whom are also Jewish and also hold dual citizenship in Israel.

“The CDC chief medical officer of Johnson & Johnson, Joanne Waldstreicher, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew,” the man further states. “Chief medical officer of Merck, Michael Rosenblatt, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew.”

“Head advisor of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Yuval (Noah) Harari, dual citizenship with Israel, Jew – and that’s only talking about COVID; that’s not talking about who’s in charge, who’s in control of the media and our banks.”

There is a lot more where that came from. This report from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) boasts about the following government positions that current White House occupant Joe Biden appointed to his cabinet:

• Secretary of State Antony Blinken, “the stepson of a Holocaust survivor” with “an extensive diplomacy resume”

• CIA Deputy Director David Cohen, “who has long been involved in Jewish causes and issues”

• Attorney General Merrick Garland, an Obama regime holdover like many others who is now “the country’s top lawyer”

• Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines, yet another Obama holdover whose mother was a Jewish painter and whose non-Jewish father “once wrote in an account about a trip with Haines to Israel that the nominee identifies as Jewish”

• Chief of Staff Ronald Klein, who previously served under former Vice President Al Gore, has “maintained ties with his childhood synagogue in Indianapolis, where he famously learned multiple Torah portions for his bar mitzvah, and has spoken about his commitment to raising Jewish children”

• Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Eric Lander, who claims to have “been the subject of anti-Semitic comments”

• Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, an Obama holdover who, like Blinken, comes from parents who “survived the Holocaust”

• National Security Agency Cybersecurity Director Anne Neuberger, an “Orthodox Jew originally from Brooklyn and educated through college in Orthodox schools”

• Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, who has “played a role in hewing the Democratic Party platform to traditional pro-Israel lines”

• Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, a “respected centrist (who) was one of three Jews featured in a 2016 Trump attack ad that reflected longstanding anti-Semitic tropes”

As you can see, that tiny 0.2 percent of the global population pretty much dominates the United States government. How can this be? Well, when you control both major political parties in addition to commerce, entertainment, money, and even religion, it sure greases the skids to occupying all important positions of power – and it allows you to wage a “holy war” against your enemies using their tax dollars.

The latest news about the Israeli occupation of government, media, finance, medicine, science, and religion can be found at

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