Man forcibly admitted to psychiatric ward for criticizing Norwegian lockdown policy and questioning efficacy of mRNA shots

A Norwegian man, who has been an active critic of the nation’s healthcare system in connection with the lockdown policy and the mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, was dragged by policemen from his home and forcibly admitted to a psychiatric facility pursuant to section 3-2 of the Mental Health Care Act.

Trond Harald Haaland does not believe the mainstream media rhetoric and has long been speaking against things like the World Economic Forum and its founder Klaus Schwab, climate change, and vaccine passports. He has posted on social media a lot about the excess death rates reported after the rollout of the mRNA vaccines. Then, someone anonymously reported him to the cops for being “mentally unstable,” which was oddly already enough for the police to contact the health system. On July 19, two “health care workers” together with two uniformed police officers arrived at his door and forcibly hauled the man away and locked him up in a psychiatric ward.

According to the senior doctor who attended to him, “When he is healthy and stable, he does not post and is not interested in these topics [climate skepticism, covid vaccine skepticism among other things]. It is not normal behavior that he is now displaying considering how he is when he is healthy. He is still secretive and suspicious.”

Swedish journalist and political commentator Peter Imanuelsen questioned the medical practitioner’s assessment. “The doctor said that the man is not ‘healthy’ when he is posting about things like stopping children from getting the mRNA vaccine and not believing in the official narrative about climate change. So, did this doctor read his Facebook posts? No, the doctor did not even have a Facebook account!” Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden, further disclosed maltreatment to Haaland upon his “arrest,” which should not be happening in a democracy.


“He was not allowed to go outside and get some fresh air, because he ‘did not want to be here.’ His lawyer [Attorney Barbro Paulsen] had also requested to be there when the senior doctor had a meeting with her client, but she (Paulsen) was denied,” the journalist posted in his Substack newsletter titled “The Freedom Corner.”

The message that Haaland had been forcibly admitted began circulating on Facebook on July 21 and it was claimed that he was hospitalized because of a post he had just written on the platform, where he allegedly used the term “mass murder” to describe the deaths caused by the vaccine.

After the “arrest,” authorities did not send case documents that were requested as early as July 19 by the lawyer. Paulsen was also told by the hospital that the report of concern was anonymous, which is highly unusual. After admission, a female doctor did not meet the patient and the attorney said that the reasons she was told over the phone appeared to be very vague and weakly founded. “It can trigger a shock trauma. This is an experience that can be so frightening that you get tipped off balance just by that,” the lawyer pointed out.

Finally, the man was let go after being held for nine days following a ruling by a jury at the Control Commission for Psychiatric Healthcare saying that there was no justification for forcibly locking him up. “But the fact that this could happen to begin with and that he was locked up for nine days is extremely worrying. If they can do it to him, they can do it to more people as well,” Imanuelsen warned.

Personal freedom is infringed in this case, lawyer points out

Paulsen talks a lot about the rule of law and its principles. She has gone through her client’s posts on Facebook and spoken to the network of complainants. The rule of law was broken when the medical officer said Haaland had a manic post on the social media platform when the doctor hadn’t even bothered to go into it to check.

“This is a very serious infringement on a citizen’s personal freedom,” the attorney stressed. “It’s about both the Constitution and the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights); the right to privacy. This is one of the strongest protections we have.” She went on to emphasize that in our own homes, we feel that it is the only place on earth where we are safe. “That’s our cave. There’s a reason why ancient property rights have been so strong: because out there it’s a jungle. There you have to fight for everything. But your home is a sacred place, and there’s a reason why before the world cracked, it was very heavily protected,” she said, adding that unfortunately it’s no longer working the way it’s supposed to be because the moment public servants in uniform come to your safe cave and violate your privacy, “they have violated you forever.”

She also noted that psychiatry has always been used as a state weapon. Based on experience with former clients who have been involuntarily hospitalized and forcibly medicated, she pointed out that people risk being deprived of liberty based on their perception of reality.

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