Organized international crime syndicate suppressed the truth about dangers of covid “vaccines”

The true culprits behind all the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” censorship going on these days is not Big Media, Big Tech, or even Big Social Media. It is British bankers, in fact, who are the ringleaders behind the organized international crime syndicate that is responsible for suppressing the truth about the dangers of covid “vaccines.”

This is the claim of Sayer Ji, the founder of GreenMedInfo, which published a powerful exposé about the matter that traces everything back to London.

“As the world’s premier English word merchants, they are quite adept at twisting the truth so that their stealthy disinfo, misinfo and false info campaigns are believed by many,” reported the editors of State of the Nation (SOTN) about Ji’s piece and the revelations it contains.

“However, the once covert UK network of NGOs at the very hub of this propaganda and prevarication operation has been increasingly exposed since the month that the COVID-19 biowar began.”

(Related: Even The Wall Street Journal admits that covid censorship killed lots and lots of people.)

NewsGuard, The Center for Countering Digital Hate, the Institute of Strategic Dialogue, and many other censorship operations are all based out of the UK

Ji lays out in extensive detail the massive web of criminality taking place at all levels of both the public and private sector. And he traces it all back to London and the British financiers who, from the shadows, have been steering the censorship ship all this time.

At the center of the scheme are NewsGuard and The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), both of which we have covered extensively here at Natural News for their involvement in arm-twisting tech platforms like Google and Facebook, as well as the entire executive branch, into playing along with the scheme.


GreenMedInfo is actually one of the major sites that was targeted by this international organized crime syndicate as being a “disinformation-hosting website,” along with many other independent media outlets.

“A recent investigation by popular Twitter user Kanekoa the Great revealed that (a free health resource featuring public access to ~85,000 peer-reviewed studies supporting the science of natural health), was targeted in 2020 as one of 34 identified ‘disinformation-hosting websites’ (along with other popular, independent media sites) by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a UK-based think tank headquartered in London,” Ji explains.

It turns out that ISD specializes in “research and policy advice on hate, extremism, and disinformation,” and was founded by none other than the highly influential British publishing magnate Lord Weidenfeld in 2006. Weidenfeld also just so happens to be an honorary member of the globalist hornets’ nest known as the Club of Rome.

ISD is closely partnered with both Big Tech and the United States Department of State, as well as the United Nations. It primarily receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Network, the United States Institute for Peace, the National Democratic Institute, and the Open Society Foundations.

Ji breaks down the leadership structure at ISD and their various connections to other organizations, government figures, and entities involved in the global censorship operation against covid injection truth. The web is vast, and once again it all traces back to London.

“Given the ongoing Congressional inquiry into CCDH by Jim Jordan, chair of the Committee of the Judiciary and Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, it is essential that we discover what communications and / or contracts occurred between foreign, dark money organizations and Twitter, Facebook and other Big Tech companies, and how exactly and to what extent the civil liberties of countless U.S. citizens were violated, or are still being violated by their malign influence,” Ji maintains.

The latest news about the organized international crime syndicate that’s destroying the world can be found at

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