Dr. Bryan Ardis: Venom peptides produced from COVID-19 vaccines prevent embryos from attaching to the uterus, causing miscarriages

Texas-based chiropractor Dr. Bryan Ardis revealed that the venom peptides produced from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are behind miscarriages in women as they prevent embryos from attaching to the uterus.

Ardis made this revelation during an appearance on James Grundvig’s “Unrestricted Truths” program. He told the program host that “from the beginning, it was published that [more than] 80 percent of all pregnant women worldwide getting the COVID-19 shots at any point in their pregnancy have resulted in miscarriages.” The chiropractor cited the works of Drs. Christiane Northrup and Judy Anne Mikovits to back up his claim.

According to Ardis, the enzyme syncytium acts like a “velcro” that sticks the placenta to the uterine wall. It also creates blood vessels where nutrients feed the baby in utero and boosts the baby’s immune system. Syncytium also acts as “the key as to why women in every trimester are losing their babies.”

Syncytium is also responsible for the creation of two other substances. First, it creates syncytiotrophoblast that releases the hormones human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. Second, it creates syncytin – a cell-to-cell fusion protein that functions as a nutrient supply.

Without these, the placenta pulls away from the uterus wall, Ardis remarked. He continued: “The baby gets no blood supply [and] no nutrients. It dies and the mother will actually release the baby in a miscarriage.”

According to a 2017 study unearthed by the chiropractor, a substance found in snake venom – L-amino-acid oxidase (LAAO) – inhibits syncytium production. LAAO, which is a protein peptide, is found in the COVID-19 vaccine.


“L-amino-acid oxidase causes cell death called apoptosis, cytotoxicity inhibition or induction of platelet aggregation. How many blood clots have you seen reported in the last few years with these COVID shots? How many women hemorrhaging right now? They say LAAO from snake venom is also anti-HIV, anti-microbial and anti-parasitic.”

Ardis urges women to get tested for LAAO

Ardis stressed that LAAO inhibits the production of syncytium. With the COVID-19 vaccines having the substance, it is not surprising that vaccinated women have a “mysteriously high” rate of miscarriages. Given this, he advised pregnant women having a hard time maintaining their pregnancy or who have lost their baby after being vaccinated to order a test kit for LAAO.

“You can simply do this test with urine or a blood sample called serum. And if you find high amounts of called L-amino-acid oxidase, you will know that it was injected inside of you.”

While the chiropractor has been figuring out a detox, he pointed out that there is a “need to start holding these drug companies accountable because this was an outright assault against fertility.”

He told Grundvig: “It’s kind of like the narrative with cancer. I guess if you are sick already, let’s just intoxicate you with poison and see if you survive any other. Why it is we’re looking for a credible toxin to be a solution for viral infections? I’ll never understand and it doesn’t make sense.”

Ultimately, Ardis pointed out that this boils down to technocrat and globalist Bill Gates seeking to depopulate the world. In a 2010 TED Talk, the Microsoft co-founder argued that Earth’s population needs to be reduced by 10 to 15 percent to solve climate change. (Related: Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population.)

“And he says, ‘We know we can do this with vaccines.’ He knows they can control fertility outcomes with vaccines.”

Watch the full episode of “Unrestricted Truths” with James Grundvig featuring Dr. Bryan Ardis below.

This video is from the American Media Periscope channel on Brighteon.com.

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