Crushing evidence confirms ‘globalist enemies of humankind’ are ‘engaging in an international criminal conspiracy to carry out genocide’ while violating the Nuremberg Code

While both Harvard and Johns Hopkins have recently published explosive scientific papers condemning the COVID vax for all of its lethal health effects as ANP had reported in this September 16th ANP story, and the so-called ‘world’s top medical journal,‘ The Lancet, has finally admitted that COVID itself could have been ‘engineered by scientists‘ and ‘leaked from a lab,’ we remind you that both of those theories were long called ‘insane conspiracy theories‘ by ‘the establishment.’

(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from

With that ‘establishment‘ using the ‘insane conspiracy theory‘ label to not only heavily censor people online who made such claims, but quite literally take away key revenue streams as google did to All News Pipeline for making such claims, how does ‘the establishment‘ that long pushed lies make things right?

As a bunch of the top-voted comments on this Daily Mail story pointing out the The Lancet ‘lab leak‘ theory pointed out, the ‘conspiracy theorists‘ have been proven correct once again, but the ‘establishment‘ keeps on hiding behind their never-ending lies, with no one ever held accountable. One of those top-voted comments.:

The medical establishment, big pharma and medical academia (yes, that includes you Lancet), no longer have a shred of credibility after this clown showAll the while they’ve been lying to us about the origins of covid, the necessity of lockdowns, the efficacy of masks, the safe and effective use of the vaccines and touting lies that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin had no role to play in early treatment of the pandemic, it’s a litany of lies after lies after liesPeople have needlessly died because of it, the nations coffers are in tatters and now the non-covid excess deaths are off the charts month after month. Will anyone be held accountable?


So while the likelihood of anyone ever being held accountable for these genocidal crimes upon America and the world are slim and none, with ‘slim‘ already walking out the door, we here at ANP promise to keep on pounding away at these tyrannical psychopaths as long as we are able. With google removing their ads from our website, for reporting what the Lancet is saying now, a huge reason why your amazing donations are so important to us, we can officially say that since the day google removed their ads from ANP, the only reason we are still online is because of your donations to us. So we thank you all sincerely.

And ANP didn’t just report that COVID was likely a bioweapon created in a lab somewhere based upon some ‘hunch‘ or a wild guess but we reached out to a very well known expert in the field of bioweapons for decades and decades, Dr Francis Boyle, who was the author of the US Bioweapons Act of 1989, and who bluntly told us all the way back in 2020 this coronavirus is an offensive biological weapon.

As we had reported back on February 10th of 2020 in this ANP story titled “Bioweapons Expert Warns ANP: The ‘Nazi Death Science Biological Warfare Work’ Going On In America MUST Be Stopped! This Is What YOU Can Do To Help Protect America – In A ‘Worst Case Scenario’, Coronavirus Could Collapse America’s Heathcare System,” COVID was definitely ‘created in a lab.’

And with google using that exact story as one of the reasons they removed their ads from ANP, stating back then we were reporting ‘dangerous’ and unverified news, and ALL of ‘big tech‘ going along with google back then in censoring anyone who reported such ‘theories,’ how can those who’ve long been lying to the American people and controlling the flow of information, while directly tied to the ‘political machine‘ purposely running America into the ground, ever be held accountable?

Of interest, according to this wikipedia entry on Dr. Francis Boyle, the United States Federal Government has long been guilty of violating the Nuremberg Code and carrying out war crimes.

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