07/23/2020 / By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Researchers at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Ohio State University evaluated the preventive effects of grape seed and pine bark flavanol supplementation in the context of a high-fat diet (HFD). Their findings were published in the journal Nutrition Research.
Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that flavanols have obesity-independent effects that may be useful for ameliorating inflammation linked to obesity and diabetes. They also believe that flavanol-induced hyperphagia may help attenuate cachexia.
Journal Reference:
Griffin LE, Fausnacht DW, Tuzo JL, Addington AK, Racine KC, Zhang H, Hughes MD, England KM, Bruno RS, O’keefe SF, et al. FLAVANOL SUPPLEMENTATION PROTECTS AGAINST OBESITY-ASSOCIATED INCREASES IN SYSTEMIC INTERLEUKIN-6 LEVELS WITHOUT INHIBITING BODY MASS GAIN IN MICE FED A HIGH-FAT DIET. Nutrition Research. June 2019;66:32–47. DOI: 10.1016/j.nutres.2019.03.011
Tagged Under: alternative medicine, fight obesity, flavanols, food cures, food is medicine, functional food, grape seed, natural cures, natural medicine, phytonutrients, pine bark, prevent diabetes, remedies, research, supplements