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EXPERTS: The coronavirus outbreak in China is TEN TIMES worse than being officially reported

In the Chinese province of Hubei, at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak, health authorities are now reporting an additional 14,840 cases of “clinically diagnosed” coronavirus infection. The spike in infections was announced on February 12th and was ten times greater than the number of cases that were added to the total the day before. The coronavirus outbreak in China has become ten times worse than what was officially reported in the beginning. The virus continues to infect people past the official incubation period, defying the rogue quarantines initiated by the Chinese government.

Not a typical coronavirus, CoVid-19 is a weaponized genetic chimera

This is not a normal, wild-type coronavirus infection, either. A typical coronavirus infection normally causes cold-like symptoms such as fever, runny nose, cough and mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness. This virus, however, is causing more severe symptoms (like deadly seizures) and complications in the respiratory tract (like bronchitis and pneumonia). It is transmitting from person to person with unprecedented stealth. One thing is obvious: Human immune systems have not encountered a virus like this before; the virus is spreading fast, attacking lung cells with ease, and the death rate is severely high. This coronavirus has been identified as CoVid-19 and researchers have been sequencing the virus to understand its origins and virility.

Breakthrough research published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research reveals that the CoVid-19 coronavirus contains features that allow it to spread from human to human with stealth and ease. The full text explains that “the furin-like cleavage site” can provide “a gain of function to the 2019-nCoV for efficient spreading in the human population.”

The researchers confirm that the CoVid-19 virus has no known viral ancestry. The virus did not evolve from nature. This virus is a genetic chimera, or a a single organism composed of cells with more than one distinct genotype. This strain contains property from the MERS virus and was strategically engineered as a bio-weapon. The study published sequences comparing the CoVid-19 with MERS-CoV. The two share identical S-protein sequences but they do not share any ancestry of lineage b type coronavirus. The study authors conclude that the Wuhan coronavirus is equipped to “cleave specifically viral envelope glycoproteins.” The virus was given powerful new properties to fuse with hose cell membranes and is equipped to infect lung and nerve cells with ease.

The study authors write, “Since furin is highly expressed in lungs, an enveloped virus that infects the respiratory tract may successfully exploit this convertase to activate its surface glycoprotein.” This feature had never before been identified in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.

The Chinese, who live in heavily polluted areas, are already immuno-compromised — their lungs burdened by the constant barrage of fine particulate matter and heavy metals from polluted skies. These populations are more vulnerable because their respiratory system is already weak.

The study also finds that the current Wuhan virus contains an element from the SARS coronavirus. The study confirms that the “IFPs of the 2019-nCoV and SARS-CoV are identical, displaying characteristics of viral fusion peptides.” The study reveals that the new virus contains the ACE2 receptor, which is the precise receptor needed to opportunistically infect human beings.

As these revelations come to light, it won’t be long before health authorities admit that the coronovirus is here to stay, as one of the most potent, deadly bioweapons to ever be unleashed. The virus is already making history, affecting supply chains and the availability of medical resources.

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