Obese woman sheds 9st by quitting this everyday drink

At her heaviest Teresa Perrego couldn’t squeeze herself into a pair of stretchy leggings.

Article by Laura Mitchell

Horrified that she couldn’t fit into the largest size in the shop, the 50-year-old decided to turn her life around.

“It got to the point where I looked in the mirror one day and didn’t know the person looking back at me, I was horrified,” she said.

And in just two year the mum, who runs beauty salons, managed to shed a whopping 18st and now looks unrecognisable.


Before she made the drastic change, Teresa was a self-proclaimed Starbucks addict and would guzzle her way through four massive 400-calorie coffees a day.

Teresa, from Denver in Colorado, USA, said: “I was one of those people who didn’t eat, but I’d always have the large 400 calorie Starbucks and I’d drink up to four of them a day.

“I’d always go for the large chocolate mocha with whipped cream, you don’t realise it at the time but they’re so high in calories.

“You think you’re just drinking something so it can’t be too unhealthy, but then when you realise the calorie and sugar content and find out just how bad they are for you.”


But after cutting her calorific brews the weight began to drop off rapidly and she started losing around 10lbs a month.She then started cutting carbs and began eating organic whole foods and exercising for 40 minutes a day.”I took a long time in the supermarket, acclimatising myself with different vegetables and finding where the healthy foods were,” she added.To help stay motivated, she used online site, DietBet, where players place money into a weight loss betting pool, to win the money back she had to continue to lose weight every month.


“Every month I’d set a new goal, first of all it started as a set amount of weight, then to fit into an outfit for a specific event,” Teresa said.

“I’m not an in your face competitive person, but because I was battling myself I was determined to win, plus I’d put some ‘skin’ in the game so I wanted to win even more.”

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Now, the minuscule mum weighs just over 9st and is delighted that she can fit into size-8 clothing.

She said: “I’ve lost over 120lbs and feel incredible, I had to buy a whole new wardrobe as nothing fitted me anymore but this time because all my clothes were too big.

“When trying on clothes I was shocked when a size 8 was huge on me, I went down a size but still it was too large, then I went down to a two, just to try it, and it looked perfect.

“There was a point in my life where I thought I’d never see size four clothing again, I just to accept that it would never be me, but now I can fit into them.

“Being healthier means I have so much more energy too, rather than being the mum who’d stand on the side-lines feeling unhappy, I’m a lot more fun and happy.”


DietBet users can typically win up to two times their money back and lose 9lbs. Teresa believes the community online teamed with her coffee ban were the reasons she succeededJamie Rosen, CEO of DietBet, said: “Most people don’t claim to have fun while losing weight, our players do – we also offer financial incentives which have been proven to hold people more accountable.”We are so proud to have played a role is Teresa’s weight loss, she is a great example of why our community is so special.WEIGHT-LOSS-WOMAN-AFTER-633300

“The fact that she refers to the players she met through DietBet as “family” is particularly meaningful to us, as we strive to create environments where people make real connections over the real struggles and triumphs of weight loss.

“We hope that Teresa will be able to turn to DietBet and her DietBet family at any point in her journey when she needs extra support to live the healthy life she worked so hard to attain.”

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