Discovering the healing power of light: How sunlight can transform your health

  • Mike Adams explores the transformative health benefits of full-spectrum light, especially sunlight, through personal experience with a high-intensity light therapy device, noting significant improvements in health and energy.
  • The device Adams uses is a sophisticated, powerful machine with hundreds of LEDs, including infrared and red lights, providing a bright, sun-like light that he describes as a “godsend” for his well-being.
  • Ott’s research in “Health and Light” reveals that different light wavelengths impact plant and animal health, with full-spectrum light promoting optimal growth and health, and artificial light potentially causing negative effects.
  • Light impacts human health profoundly, affecting sleep cycles, mood, energy, and the immune system; natural light may help prevent and reverse certain cancers, underscoring the importance of natural light exposure.
  • Practical tips include morning routines with light therapy devices, avoiding excessive use of sunglasses and sunscreen, and maximizing full-body light exposure, especially in the morning, to harness the health benefits of light.

In a groundbreaking report, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, delves into the transformative power of light, particularly sunlight, and how it influences health and well-being. Inspired by his recent interview with Jonathan Otto and the book “Health and Light” by John Nash Ott, Adams shares his personal experience with a high-intensity light therapy device and emphasizes the crucial role of light in our lives.

The importance of full-spectrum light

Light, especially full-spectrum sunlight, is essential for health, affecting everything from mood to cellular function. Mike Adams, known for his deep dive into natural health and nutrition, has always advocated for the benefits of sunlight. However, he recently realized the depth of its importance through his personal use of a high-intensity light therapy device.

Adams describes the device as a towering, heavy machine with cooling fans and hundreds of LEDs, including infrared and visible red lights. “It’s so bright, it’s like the sun,” he says. After using it for a couple of weeks, he found it to be a “godsend,” noting significant improvements in his health and energy levels.

The science behind light therapy

The science behind light therapy is well-documented. John Nash Ott, in his book “Health and Light,” explores how different wavelengths of light affect living organisms. Ott’s research began with time-lapse photography of plants, where he observed dramatic changes in plant growth under different colored lights. For instance, plants exposed to red light grew taller but didn’t flower, while those under blue light flowered profusely.

Ott extended his research to animals, particularly lab mice. Mice exposed to pink fluorescent light became aggressive and lethargic, and developed tumors faster. Conversely, mice under full-spectrum light, which mimics natural sunlight, thrived with increased life spans and normalized behavior.

Light and human health

The impact of light on human health is equally profound. Adams explains that light entering the eyes stimulates the pituitary gland, influencing various bodily functions, including sleep cycles, mood, energy levels, and even the immune system. Ott’s research suggests that natural light may play a role in preventing and reversing certain types of cancer. In one study, cancer patients who spent more time outdoors without sunglasses saw improvements in their conditions, with some experiencing a halt in tumor progression.

Modern life, however, often deprives us of the full spectrum of natural light. We spend most of our time indoors under artificial lights and use sunglasses or sunscreen when outdoors, blocking out beneficial wavelengths. Ott’s advice is straightforward: get outside, especially in the morning, and use full-spectrum lighting indoors when natural light is not available.

Personal experiences and practical tips

Adams shares his morning routine, which includes using the high-intensity light therapy device while checking the news. “I rotate every couple of minutes to ensure I get a full-body light treatment,” he explains. He emphasizes the importance of light exposure on all parts of the body, noting that some health enthusiasts practice nude sunbathing to maximize the benefits.

For those unable to sunbathe nude, Adams recommends using a high-quality light therapy device. He also advises against overusing sunglasses and sunscreen, which can block beneficial UV light. Instead, opt for sunglasses that don’t block all UV wavelengths and use natural methods to protect the skin from excessive sun exposure.


The healing power of light, particularly full-spectrum sunlight, is a potent yet often overlooked aspect of health and well-being. As Mike Adams highlights, light influences our mood, cellular function, and overall health. Incorporating more natural light into our lives and using light therapy devices can have profound benefits. Whether it’s a morning walk in the sun or a session with a light therapy device, embracing the power of light can be a transformative step towards better health.

By prioritizing light exposure and understanding its profound effects, we can harness a natural resource that has the potential to revolutionize our well-being. Stay curious, stay healthy, and keep seeking the light.

Watch this Feb. 19 episode of “Brighteon Broadcast News” as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about the importance of light for healing.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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