Dr. Mike Yeadon releases 15-minute testimony – WATCH – about genocidal intent of COVID “vaccines”

After three-and-a-half years of waiting for any kind of rebuttal from the scientific establishment, former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon has released a video of about 15 minutes in length outlining why he believes that all Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” were “deliberately designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility.”

Dr. Yeadon has been waiting in vain for a rebuttal to his arguments because there is none. It is obvious at this point that COVID jabs were not designed to help anyone but vaccine manufacturers and everyone else connected to and on the dole of the “pandemic” scam.

“If I was wrong, I would have expected the drug companies whose products I am maligning to have sought and secured a court injunction to stop me repeating these allegations,” Dr. Yeadon says. “Neither of those things have ever happened.”

“What has happened instead is that I have been extraordinarily censored and smeared sideways. And I think I offer that to you as strong evidence that I may be ‘over the target,’ at least in relation to these injectable products that have definitely injured and killed many people.”

(Related: Be sure to check out our earlier coverage of Dr. Yeadon calling for all COVID jab manufacturers to be “immediately indicted for fraud.”)

Taking down the Big Pharma machine

A professional research scientist who for the past 30 years was entangled within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, Dr. Yeadon is highly skilled and well trained to be making these kinds of determinations, as out there as they might seem to some.

“I’ve been involved all of my professional life with other talented people trying to design and test potential new treatments for respiratory disease,” Dr. Yeadon explains, among other things, in the above video – be sure to watch.

“I can tell you this: with my background in toxicology and my own research experience 30 years in the industry, this qualifies me, I think, better than any other commentator to evaluate what was in the minds of the people who designed these products.”

Despite having been “experimental,” technically speaking, COVID jabs were still planned out in precise detail to accomplish something. The ingredients inside every vial were not random, Dr. Yeadon says, nor are any of the ingredients in any drugs currently on the market.

“It’s chosen to be there to achieve some purpose,” he explains about the ingredients in drugs and vaccines in general.

“That’s normal, perhaps to help a drug dissolve, to be absorbed, to persist in your blood, or to leave your body quickly, to penetrate the brain if it was a neurological drug, or to stay close to the lung if it was an inhaled drug.”

One of the problems with COVID injections is that they contained a hodgepodge of rushed-to-market concoctions that were created and released so quickly that there simply could not have been enough time to properly test them the way older drugs and vaccines were tested.

Not only were COVID injections untested, practically speaking, they also, in the case of the mRNA (modRNA) varieties from Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna, contained gene-modifying technologies that have never before been mass-deployed on a global scale.

Take some time to watch Dr. Yeadon’s video to hear the rest of what he has to say. It is critical to understanding how and why the incoming Trump administration is taking aim at the public health industry in general to get it back on track in support of We the People rather than Big Pharma and its handlers and controllers.

There is never a good reason to get “vaccinated” for COVID. Learn more at ChemicalViolence.com.

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