Sermon 18: Mike Adams discusses the POMEGRANATE fruit as natural medicine and miracle from God

The Health Ranger Mike Adams discussed the pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum) as both a natural medicine and a “miracle from God and Mother Nature” during his 18th sermon on the “Health Ranger Report,” part of his 100 Sermons series.

According to Adams, the miracles of creation help purify a person’s blood, body and brain. Physically cleansing the body from toxins, cancer cells, parasites and others is the appropriate way to do this. One way to achieve this purification is through pomegranates, which have been associated with being close to God and higher spiritual acuity.

“In other words, the pathway to get closer to God is to first purify your body,” Adams said. “And it is these fruits like pomegranate and other superfoods that allow us to do that.”

The Natural News and founder noted that P. granatum contains “powerful anti-cancer nutrients and anti-parasitic nutrients.” These nutrients called polyphenols include betulinic acid, ursolic acid and gallic acid. These three are all recognized as experimental anti-tumor agents, with gallic acid being known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Adams stressed that while the sweet and crunchy pomegranate seeds contain antioxidants, the fruit’s bitter parts – particularly the inner rind – contain its cancer-fighting compounds. (Related: Pomegranate juice has DRAMATIC effects in slowing the development of prostate cancer.)

Moreover, the Health Ranger cited James Duke’s 2007 work “Herbs of the Bible” for other ailments that pomegranate addresses. Such health issues include infertility, estrogen deficiency, inflammation of the eyelid, bronchitis, painful menstruation, mouth sores and sore throat.

Pomegranate’s bitter parts can be used against PARASITES

According to Adams, the pomegranate’s rich color – caused by the various tannins that are synthesized in the plant – makes it very useful for tanning leather and dyeing textiles. It is even made into wine and added to salads.

P. granatum, which is known as an astringent and an aphrodisiac, has also been used across multiple cultures. In the Philippines, its leaves are used for oral aliments while its flowers were used in ancient Persia to relieve painful gums.

India’s Ayurvedic medicine tradition also lauds the pomegranate, Adams continued. Pomegranate rind is used to treat worms and parasites, diarrhea and dysentery. Meanwhile, pomegranate bark and seeds are used to treat bronchitis.

Just like in Ayurveda, the pomegranate’s real benefits come with the use of the rind. The bitter compounds in the rind kill the parasites already in a person’s digestive tract. Moreover, Adams also mentioned that pomegranate leaves contain nutrients that inhibit viruses.

“We have an antiviral drug, so to speak. We have textile dyes, we have anti-cancer nutrients, we have nutrients that treat fertility. Now, pomegranates are especially known for helping to prevent prostate cancer. No wonder God sees pomegranates as a blessing onto humanity,” he said.

“If there’s one fruit that most closely indicates the message from God of the abundance of food and medicine in a bright, beautiful package that technically needs no pesticides or herbicides – that’s already sort of pest resistant because of the hard outer shell – pomegranates fit the bill. And this is why I think pomegranates have long been associated with abundance.”

Follow for more stories about the pomegranate fruit.

Listen to the 18th sermon from the Health Ranger Mike Adams where he discusses pomegranate as a natural medicine and a miracle from God.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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