Beware the threat of the “One Health” agenda

Because planetary health is supposedly at stake, the world’s power brokers have come up with a devious agenda called “One Health” that threatens to enslave the planet under food and medicine tyranny.

A “sick twist,” to quote the Brownstone Institute’s Tracy Thurman, on the age-old adage “Let your food be your medicine,” One Health is a full-scale assault on food, medicine and life itself. It will hand control over everything that sustains health to globalist eugenicists who want to cull the world’s population.

According to Thurman, the plan is to remove all control over food and medicine from the common man. “Doctors” will write people grocery prescriptions and don’t even think about purchasing your own dietary supplements at will.

“Mull over what the elites are actively eliminating from the food supply, as well as the food-adjacent substances they are adding,” Thurman suggests as a starting point for understanding what One Health entails.

“Consider the brainwashing of most doctors during Covid, and their refusal to recommend basic health supplements, sunshine, Vitamin D, or effective early treatment, instead leaving their patients at the mercy of remdesivir, ventilators, and mRNA shots. If you don’t love the idea of cricket meal and vaccine lettuce prescriptions, this agenda should raise your eyebrows.”

(Related: Biological warfare epidemiologist Dr. Meryl Nass is warning that the One Health agenda will reduce humans to the same status as animals and ecosystems.)

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Bill Gates, of course, is behind One Health

The usual suspects are behind the One Health plot. Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is of course backing the scheme as is the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, the USDA, “and every other Covid culprit you can think of,” Thurman says.

There is a very real risk under One Health of healthcare being rationed or even withheld based on the determination of the “authorities” as to your need for care. There are also destructive climate change dogmas embedded within the plot that are explicitly anti-human.

“When you consider the explicit Malthusian beliefs of the globalists, such an idea carries untold risk,” Thurman warns.

“The managers of society clearly believe that the planet’s ecosystems would benefit from a reduction in the number of peasants, and this new health paradigm allows them to factor that dogma into the decision of whether you deserve life-saving care, the right to opt out of vaccination, the right to real, natural food, or life at all.”

Canada serves as a blueprint for what the globalists want to see implemented here in the United States. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), also known as euthanasia, is now the sixth-leading cause of death in our neighbor to the north – and the world’s self-chosen architects want the same for America.

The One Health framework would allow for MAiD to expand everywhere. And any other scheme like MAiD that reduces the number of people living in the world will expand alongside it.

“If the health of animals, people, and the environment are all to be weighed equally, the agenda goes far beyond the doctor’s office,” Thurman says. “Where you live, where you can travel, what you buy, how you can spend your money, and what you can eat would all fall under this totalitarian biosecurity system.”

“Think about this combined with central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, a system already rolling out in other countries and planned for launch here in the United States. Under this system, all money is digital and centrally controlled. The federal government can program your money so you can only spend it on approved items. Your grocery prescription of insect powder and mRNA-laced vegetables may become mandatory unless you have already established an alternate food supply with the option to pay in an independent currency.”

If they can get away with it, the globalists will enslave every last person on planet earth under the guise of “sustainability.” Learn more at

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