Social media BLACKOUT: Facebook and YouTube CENSOR victims of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

British victims who have suffered various adverse side effects and severe health problems following their AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination are raising more concerns about censorship from social media platforms.

These people, who consider themselves victims of the coronavirus vaccine, bared that their attempts to share their negative experiences and symptoms online are being silenced.

One of the silenced victims is Jamie Scott, a father of two who suffered a life-altering blood clot that caused permanent brain damage after he was vaccinated in spring 2021. Scott is now pursuing legal action against AstraZeneca in the High Court in London.

Scott said after getting vaccinated, he suffered a severe brain injury that left him with brain damage and unable to keep working.

The action, taken under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, alleges that the COVID-19 vaccine was “defective” because it was less safe than individuals were entitled to expect. The legal action is at least one year away from a full court hearing.

Another lawsuit has been filed by the husband of a woman who died after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

Other victims who think that they have suffered negative reactions to the vaccine, but are not involved in any legal battles, have expressed their frustration over censorship on social media platforms like Facebook. They shared that these platforms are forcing them to use “cryptic language and self-censorship” to avoid group shutdowns.

UK CV Family, a private Facebook group founded by Charlet Crichton, is a support network of over 1,000 members who have been harmed by the vaccines or have lost loved ones to them.

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Crichton, who herself experienced a severe reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine, had to quit her 13-year-long sports therapy business because she required prolonged bed rest during recovery.

UK CV Family, established in November 2021, has earned the status of a core participant in the Covid Inquiry, an independent public inquiry to examine the United Kingdom’s response to the pandemic. The Facebook group allows members like Crichton, who shared that they have suffered myocarditis post-vaccination, to testify in the inquiry.

Crichton said her comments were blocked to prevent misuse. Meta also banned her temporarily for allegedly not meeting their standards. (Related: Censorship industrial complex is waging information warfare against the American people, warns investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen.)

Crichton said some UK CV Family members have experienced shadow banning, which occurs when someone’s posts are obscured from public view.

Additionally, YouTube attempted to censor a video showing a group of lawyers discussing vaccines at the COVID-19 Inquiry because of an alleged breach of the site’s medical misinformation policy.

Allegedly safe vaccines have been linked to adverse events and deaths

Research claims that coronavirus vaccines have saved millions of lives. In June 2022, the World Health Organization announced that the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine was “safe and effective for individuals aged 18 and above.”

Another claim involving at least 80 victims who said that they were injured by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is also due to be launched later in 2024, but Scott’s case is expected to be heard first.

AstraZeneca insisted that patient safety is the company’s “highest priority and regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards to ensure the safe use of all medicines, including vaccines.” The company also sympathized with people who have lost loved ones or reported health issues.

But AstraZeneca also maintained that based on the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, “Vaxzevria [the vaccine against COVID] has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects.”

Many of the claimants have received one-off fixed tax-free payments of 120,000 British pounds ($126,997) under the government’s Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS), which provides compensation for injured patients or to bereaved next of kin.

According to official figures obtained under a Freedom of Information request, at least 144 out of 148 VDPS payments had gone to recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

An attempt to have the VDPS overhauled is at the bottom of these legal actions.

Claimants have to verify that the COVID-19 vaccine caused serious disability of at least 60 percent. Additionally, the families have reported that the level of compensation is “wholly” insufficient and has not been adjusted for inflation since 2007.

On April 7, 2021, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization advised adults aged under 30 to be offered an alternative to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine because of reports of “extremely rare blood clots in a very small number of people.”

By May 7, 2021, the guidance was updated to apply to adults aged under 40.

Scott was 44 when he received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on April 23, 2021.

Kate Scott, Jamie’s wife, shared that he has undergone more than 250 rehabilitation sessions from specialists. Her husband also “had to learn to walk again, to swallow, to talk.” Kate said Jamie was also dealing with memory problems. While his condition is improving, Jamie still suffers from other serious health issues like cognition problems, aphasia, severe headaches and blindness.

Watch the video below for a compilation of COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries.

This video is from the Bitterroot Bugler channel on

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