Health experts claim U.S. military has been secretly controlling Australia’s health institutions and COVID-19 vaccine rollout plans

According to Australian scientists, doctors and medical academics, led by pharmacologist Phillip Altman, the U.S. Department of Defense “had a dominant role in the response to the SARs-CoV-2 virus and the subsequent development, manufacture and distribution of the (Wuhan coronavirus) COVID-19 vaccines.”

In a project called “Operation Warp Speed,” the Pentagon manufactured the vaccines, managed distribution, owned the vials and designed the clinical trials. The pharmaceutical companies were only allegedly there to provide “window dressing.”

Big Pharma received billions to conduct “large-scale manufacturing demonstrations” that weren’t valid. In fact, Pfizer defended itself in a lawsuit claiming that there was no malfeasance because the Pentagon knew these demonstrations were fraudulent. The pharmaceutical companies were also unable to produce the vaccines themselves.

They tried to create the impression that they were following normal regulatory processes even though they were bypassed completely. Australian governments and regulatory authorities participated in the deception by assuring citizens that there was trustworthy oversight to ensure safety and efficacy, even when medium-term safety was impossible to assess in such a short period.

The requirement for repeated boosters also revealed the injections were not effective for any length of time.

Altman and his co-authors said the U.S. military’s involvement has been hidden from the American general public since early 2020 and that it was never explained to the Australian people. (Related: Australia links COVID-19 vaccination to FALSE POSITIVE HIV tests.)

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Senior U.S. health officials planned to scare Australians during the pandemic

The main players were senior U.S. health officials who focused on fearmongering, a tactic also used in Australia, partly for commercial ends and partly to eliminate then-president Donald Trump.

Paul Alexander, a Canadian health researcher and Trump adviser, provided an eyewitness account of how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the WHO undermined Trump in his book “Presidential Takedown.”

Even Deborah Birx, Trump’s White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, admitted in her book that she was involved in subterfuge and “sleight of hand” to implement a policy of “track, trace and isolate.” She added that this was done to force the public to go through lockdowns, masking and vaccine mandates, which were measures that Trump opposed.

Partisan politics distorting public health policy also destroyed the Australian health system. Trump suggested that hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment, but he was ridiculed.

Following the U.S.’s false lead, Australia also banned the use of the drug in early 2020.

Another example of widespread deception involved counting positive test results as “cases.” Most people who tested positive for COVID-29 had no symptoms. In Australia, the figure in 2020 and 2021 averaged about 80 percent.

But this meant the test was either faulty or the immune system had responded effectively. However, this suggested that these healthy people were sick and a risk to others.

Australia followed the same nonsense, including enforcing aggressive testing and tracking. The country also became fixated on the daily count of “cases,” even implementing some of the most aggressive lockdowns and vaccine mandates in the world.

The last phase, which is still in effect, involves the cover-up of possible COVID-19 vaccine negative side effects. Australia’s death rate has risen by a startling 13 percent this year, but the authorities were good at hiding the possibility that vaccine damage could also be responsible.

For this to work, they made it hard to report vaccine harms or they didn’t make any attempt to distinguish between vaccine side effects and long COVID.

Because Australia’s health system, including doctors, was tightly controlled by the U.S. military and American partisan politics, it is hard to see how Australia’s medical sovereignty can be reclaimed.

The hidden trail of dishonesty has deeply damaged Australian institutions and destroyed the adherence to the truth on which sound medicine relies. To undo the damage, the Australian public must first find out the truth so the country can restore trust in its government and healthcare system.

Watch the video below as Riccardo Bosi discusses COVID-19 in Australia.

This video is from the FreedomNews channel on

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