120 Medical professionals sign letter against use of GENDER-NEUTRAL language in medicine

More than a hundred medical professionals from Australia have affixed their signatures to a letter warning against the use of “gender-neutral” and diverse language in the field of medicine.

The group of 120 medical professionals signed a Jan. 1 letter addressed to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHRMC). The NHRMC, which is under the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care, is responsible for funding research efforts in the fields of health and medicine. Medical researchers, doctors, midwifery practitioners and senior clinicians were among the signatories.

In the letter, the group put forward that such ambiguous language will blur the lines between biological sex and gender identity. This, they added, may distort data and lead to severe errors in conducting procedures.

Moreover, they suggested that the use of gender-neutral language worsens the so-called “female data gap” theory. According to the Epoch Times, the theory suggests that medical data is skewed due to its reliance on research predominantly involving biological men.

“Using ‘women’ with a gendered meaning – that is, grouping males and females together when considering healthcare provision or undertaking research – has risks,” the letter read. “Even when males and females experience the same disease, they may experience it very differently irrespective of gender identity.”

The letter was prompted by a consultation paper from the NHMRC on the ethics of conducting medical research on pregnant women. It also warned that medical professionals are facing institutional pressure to introduce gender-neutral language in research, practice and policy despite their genuine beliefs on the topic. (Related: Harvard demanding students dumb down their language with new gender-neutral, politically correct pronouns like “hir” and “ze.”)

Gender-neutral science is WOKE science

However, according to advocates of gender-neutral language, its use is reportedly “essential to prevent discrimination against transgender individuals or those who identify with a gender they were not biologically born into.” They also argue that failure to use “diverse pronouns and terms encompassing a wide variety of gender identities” will deter these individuals from seeking medical care or even entering some professions.

In one instance, Melbourne-based immunologist Jessica Borger published a paper in June that defended the necessity of gender-neutral language. She argued in the paper that the use of standard binary terms (i.e. male and female) to denote gender is harmful.

“The use of gendered language in science can reinforce harmful societal stereotypes and contribute to the marginalization of certain groups,” the paper’s abstract read. “For instance, the use of male pronouns when referring to doctors or researchers in scientific studies may perpetuate the idea that men are the dominant group in these fields and that women are less capable or less involved.”

Berger also recommended that educators eschew “gender-specific terms or pronouns” about “socially constructed roles and behaviors that should be avoided.” She also stressed the importance of teaching “the difference between the terms gender and sex.”

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) – one of Australia’s most prominent health bodies – sex pertains to the identity derived from a person’s biological characteristics. These characteristics include their chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs. Meanwhile, the AIHW defines gender identity as linked to a person’s social and cultural identity based on their life experiences.

The AIHW asserts, however, that both gender and sex are malleable and can change throughout a person’s lifetime. But such a premise denies basic biology: A man who undergoes surgical mutilation of their genitals cannot be called a woman. In the same manner, a woman who has her breasts removed and takes the male hormone testosterone cannot be called a man.

Level-headed individuals ultimately see the ruse as it is: an attempt by the woke left to pander to the feelings of the mentally ill. “Facts don’t care about feelings,” as Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro would often remark.

Visit PoliticalCorrectness.news for more stories about gender-neutral language.

Watch this clip about the U.S. issuing the first gender-neutral passport.

This video is from The Prisoner channel on Brighteon.com.

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