German politicians who openly and eagerly injected children with COVID jabs are now LYING about it – why?

Many people in high positions of power who insisted that children had to be “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in order for the “pandemic” to end now claim that they never did such a thing. To this, we ask: what is going on?

In Germany, many politicians, including those who work in education, pushed for kids to get jabbed in the summer of 2021 leading into the schoolyear that fall. They told Germans that ending the pandemic would be impossible if this did not happen, so many complied.

We now know that the shots did absolutely nothing to stop the spread of anything except common sense. And now, tens of millions of children are walking around with mystery chemicals inside their bodies, including spike proteins, fragmented DNA, and who even knows what else.

German media continues to call for an appraisal of all the pandemic policies that were implemented there to see who pushed them and why. The problem is that nobody seems to be listening, nor is anyone with the power to do so willing to conduct such an appraisal on behalf of public health.

(Related: Excess deaths in Germany during the “pandemic” only started to appear after COVID jabs were unleashed through Operation Warp Speed.)

Politicians blame corrupt government health bodies for COVID jab guidance

One of the only exceptions is the state parliament of Brandenburg where Alternative für Deutschland are said to be strong enough to force a convening of a Corona Investigatory Committee. What has been uncovered there thus far is eye-opening, though admittedly limited due to substantial obstruction from the German political establishment.

“The Committee publishes no protocols, many of their sessions are closed to the public, and with a few exceptions the media studiously avoids reporting on their work,” reports the Eugyppius Substack. “Nevertheless, every time its members meet, something new and very bizarre comes to light.”

“During their third session, in October, the Committee summoned Britta Ernst, Minister of Education in Brandenburg from 2017 to 2023, and also since 1998 the wife of Chancellor Olaf Scholz. At one point in the proceedings, the CDU politician Saskia Ludwig asked Ernst a very important question, namely the one that stands at the head of this post: Why did Ernst advocate the vaccination of children in 2021?”

It is worth noting that similar things have transpired in the United States with the revelation that the new GOP house speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), made “getting vaccines into arms” one of his top priorities during COVID.

Now, Johnson is painting himself as a champion of individual liberty despite this past malfeasance, which many Americans have no idea even occurred. The situation is much the same in Germany with German politicians blaming others for their past support of COVID jabs.

When pressed about this very issue, Ernst told the parliament of Brandenburg that the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) “set the standard” that she ultimately used to claim in November 2021 that a “high vaccination rate” was “crucial for child welfare” in Germany.

Ernst says she had “no doubts” at the time “about the work of STIKO,” which is why she had “naturally adopted their findings, which they make on a scientific basis.”

“I suspect that this quote regarding the vaccination rate referred primarily to adults,” Ernst now claims about her November 2021 statements as aforementioned. “In addition, STIKO also recommended the vaccination of children and adolescents, and we followed this recommendation.”

In other words, Ernst was just “following the science,” which is the same thing our own corrupt politicians claimed as to why they, too, pushed COVID jabs on children and everyone else.

COVID injections have destroyed countless lives. Learn more at

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