Former NHS director admits on social media: Hospitals LIED about patients’ cause of death during COVID-19 plandemic

Before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, four types of pneumonia grouped together were the highest cause of death in the United Kingdom.

However, a former National Health Service (NHS) director has revealed that after the alleged emergence of coronavirus, a new Medical Examiner System to certify deaths was implemented that made medical examiners certify deaths from all types of pneumonia as being caused by COVID-19.

Ex-NHS director shares details on X

Using the X handle Sai, the former NHS director of End-of-Life Care posted a thread of his personal account of the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS.

Sai explained that when four different diseases are grouped and called COVID-19, it is inevitable to see COVID-19 cases with a huge death rate. He added that mainstream media was reporting on the significant increase in COVID-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.

According to Sai, the British government proposed and piloted a change to the procedure of how deaths were certified in all hospitals in the U.K. in 2016. Sai also attached a link to the Department of Health (DOH) document.

The DOH document proposed a switch to the “Medical Examiner” (ME) System and was sent to several audiences for feedback and consultation. The ME System was already being piloted at two hospitals up north, said Sai.

According to Sai, the only definitive way of determining an accurate and plausible cause of death is to refer the deceased patient to Her Majesty’s (HM) Coroner if certain criteria are met.

Once an HM Coroner accepts the case, there will be a post-mortem conducted by a histopathologist.

If a death is considered natural and there is nothing untoward, the MCCD is written by the treating doctor of a deceased patient. It is rare for a treating Consultant to attend, but they will finalize the cause of death. (Related: Dr. Stella Immanuel warns of UNLIMITED WARFARE against humanity through mRNA technology.)

Sai added that there is a strict hospital hierarchy within the NHS for doctors.

From lowest to highest rank:

  1. Foundation Year 1
  2. Foundation Year 2
  3. Senior House Officer
  4. Registrar
  5. Consultant
  6. Clinical Lead
  7. Medical Director

Junior doctors will rarely speak up or challenge their seniors. A senior decision is considered final and will be carried out without any hesitance or questioning.

In Sai’s 5.5 years of experience in End-of-Life Care, he has only seen one junior doctor disagree with a proposed cause of death and challenge their consultant.

Because many deaths occur in a hospital, there is a variety of possible causes of death. He explained that the proposed ME system would change this because the government would now hire and pay one Medical Examiner to sit in every hospital and write all MCCDs for all deceased patients. This would then eliminate any variation in causes of death.

Sai first heard about the proposal in 2016 when he worked as a Bereavement Officer at a hospital in Central London. At the time, his mentor and line manager was a former chief nurse who managed Bereavement Services and all hospital deaths would be controlled by her and the department.

Sai and his mentor wielded a lot of power concerning decision-making. Both of them would review all patient notes following the death of a patient.

In 2016, when Sai asked his mentor how the ME system would change things, she told him that Bereavement Services and Patient Affairs would become purely administrative and that the clinical judgment would fall to the Medical Examiner.

Meaning, the power and decision-making about MCCD/Coroners Referrals were being taken away from both treating doctors and Bereavement Services, Patient Affairs, Bereavement officers, Bereavement Service managers and directors of End-of-Life Care. In essence, the decision-making would rely solely on the Medical Examiner, who was not involved in the treatment of a patient during an admission.

Watch the video below to find out if the COVID-19 vaccine is causing turbo cancers.

This video is from the Scriptural Scrutiny channel on

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