BOMBSHELL: Dr. Peter Hotez deliberately misleads public in huge COVID ORIGINS COVER-UP involving Fauci-funded, CCP military lab research

As it turns out, the entire pandemic was not just planned, but planned out very well, over years and years, in an insidious collaborative way with the Chinese Military medical complex, with deep roots to vaccine researchers Dr. Fauci and Dr. Hotez. This is worth careful consideration, as the future “health” of the world hangs in the balance. Mountains of evidence reveal how Fauci and Hotez conspired for decades to facilitate illegal transfers of information, technology, and intellectual property that was “detrimental to U.S. institutions,” according to FBI reports.

The revelations also show suspicions that the Chinese military were constructing a COVID vaccine BEFORE they even notified the WHO about the initial outbreak. How could that be? It’s no wonder they did not want truth media calling it the “plandemic.” In fact, the world’s first patent application for a COVID-19 vaccine was filed back in February of 2020 by one Dr. Zhou Yusen, a PLA officer (through the PLA’s Academy of Military Sciences) and the lead inventor. This is a smoking gun that the Fauci Flu (SARS-CoV-2) is in fact a military-made bioweapon used for depopulation, communist domination, and the creation and (coerced and forced) administration of the deadliest “vaccine” ever created.

Gain of function research funded by Fauci and coordinated by Hotez was the fulcrum that enabled cross-species transmission of Coronavirus to humans

Recently uncovered research, as revealed in a US Senate report, points to development of a Covid jab as early as November of 2019. Dial it back to at least five different publications, detailing funding by Fraudulent Fauci and his evil cohort Dr. Hotez, who’s grant list raises concerns about connections to Chinese Military scientists involved in creating and possibly releasing Covid-19 in China. This documents scientific research that was literally published about “biotechnology processes to support Chinese military end uses.” So will the next gain-of-function outbreak, followed up by another deadly, vascular-clotting vaccine series, wipe out most Americans, so that the Chinese communists, including their military, can invade our Republic and completely take over? Sure does sound like that’s the plan, and with all this evidence piled up, the only conspiracy theorists left are those who don’t follow the science and the money.


Dr. Hotez discusses coronavirus vaccines with Chinese military scientists and how to use gain-of-function to arm coronavirus for attacking humans

Through subcontracted funding, Dr. Hotez collaborated with Chinese military scientists to help them develop a complex bioweapon by inserting furin cleavage sites into coronaviruses. It was all a two-pronged insidious plan, in other words, to infect the world with a “novel” virus, then inject everyone with toxic, sticky spike proteins that cause horrific health consequences that even doctors can’t seem to link to the vaccines. This is the highest form of treason and terrorism on the planet, and should be investigated as such.

The Chinese military scientists are documented in their connections to Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Hotez, who are scrambling every day now to cover up their plots and plans of the scamdemic. Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) awarded research grants to Chinese Military scientists back in November of 2020 for over $1 million entitled “RBD [receptor binding domain] RECOMBINANT PROTEIN-BASED SARS VACCINE FOR BIODEFENSE.” Defense? How about Attack?

Plus, it all ties right back to the grand ole’ U.S. of A., because the grants include collaboration with the University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases, which houses a BL-4 high containment facility for viral research. This was all shared with the U.S. Army’s Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and most likely also with the Chinese military.

All in all, from 1997 to 2016, there’s a trail of over $17 million in research grants that tie Fauci’s NIAID to the Communist Chinese government, where principal investigators and scientists received support to create and weaponize a virus and its vaccine that would help install communist rule in nearly every nation (via health dictatorship, fixed elections, and incapacitated economies).

Based on all of this funding, collaboration, gain-of-function research, and directly related vaccine “technology,” the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is a well-planned, thoroughly-documented military-made, bioweapon-based WAR on humanity. All roads lead to Fauci and Hotez as the “masterminds” who helped the insidious US vaccine industrial complex (VIC) coordinate with the communist Chinese military for the past two decades.

The best way to find out when criminals are guilty of repeat offenses is just to, as they say, follow the money. Dr. Hotez has left a long trail of documented subcontracted funding for the People’s Liberation Army and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where they purposely inserted furin cleavage sites into coronaviruses to create the bioweapon we all know as COVID-19. Now hundreds of millions of people are dead or incapacitated around the world from the supposed antidotal “vaccines” that turned out to be bioweapons themselves.

Hotez the pharma hack even admitted it all in a February 2021 interview, where he discussed collaboration with Chinese military scientists, stating, “About ten years ago, we got approached by a group at the New York Blood Center led by Shibo Jiang and Lanying Du that had a pretty good idea for coronavirus vaccines.” Oh really?

Bottom line: Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Anthony Fauci are entangled in a complex web of collaboration, funding, and developing bioweapons responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of humans around the world. Had they not planned, engaged, and funded all of this, the pandemic would NEVER have happened, and the Vaccine Holocaust would not be happening right now.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on the Fauci-funded Vaccine Holocaust that’s sweeping the nation and the world as you read this.

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