First COVID-19 lockdown in the UK shortened life expectancy of heart attack patients by NEARLY TWO YEARS

The implementation of the first month-long lockdown in the United Kingdom during the first wave of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic harmed the lives of people who have had heart attacks, cutting their life expectancy by nearly two years.

This is according to a major international study published in the European Heart Journal – Quality of Care & Clinical Outcomes. The paper looked into the care received by patients who experienced major heart attacks during the four weeks following the lockdown order and compared the quality of that care with a similar group of heart attack patients from the previous year.

Then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered the people of his country to “stay home, protect the NHS [National Health Service], save lives.” Following this stay-at-home directive, the number of heart attack patients admitted to hospitals dramatically decreased.

At first glance, it would be very easy to assume that this means the lockdowns prevented heart attacks. But a previous study published in The Lancet indicated that the reported 40 percent decline in heart attack admissions to hospitals during the first few weeks of the lockdown was due to people being cowed into assuming that they should not seek expert medical care for fear of becoming a burden on healthcare workers or due to fear of contracting the coronavirus. Many crucial treatments were also suspended due to the overwhelming focus on COVID-19. (Related: Former nurse describes hospital Covid-19 protocols as “medical murder.”)

The new study, which analyzed published data, estimated the long-term consequences of reduced care on the life expectancy of patients who suffered major heart attacks. The findings revealed that only 44 percent of such patients were hospitalized in the U.K. during the four weeks following March 23, 2020, in contrast to approximately 77 percent during the same month the previous year.


Before the pandemic, individuals who experienced major heart attacks could expect to live an average of 14.54 years. However, their life expectancy dropped to 12.99 years during the first month of the lockdown.

Lockdowns hindered people from obtaining life-saving care

The international team of researchers modeled the long-term impact of this massive negative effect on healthcare quality and found that the lockdowns have likely reduced the life expectancy of heart attack patients by an average of 18 months.

Before the pandemic, such patients could expect to live for an average of 14.54 more years after their heart attacks. During the first month of the lockdown, the analysis modeling found that this after-event life expectancy fell to 12.99 – or one-and-a-half years less.

The researchers warned that this analysis shows that the British public will soon “pay the price” of lockdown as more and more people who had health conditions when the first stay-at-home directives were passed die off, and warned that any future restrictions on the freedom of movement should not also come with restrictions on who can and can’t receive quality care for their life-threatening conditions.

Comedian and political commentator Russell Brand put in his two cents on the study’s findings which, according to him, proved lockdown critics right. During the height of the pandemic, those who blasted the lockdowns were admonished for being “selfish” and were even censored.

He asked: “If people suffering from genuine life-threatening illnesses were not getting the care they needed, what was the point of [the COVID-19] lockdown?”

Learn more about the effects of COVID-19 pandemic policies such as lockdowns and mass vaccinations at

Watch this video exposing how the pandemic protocols in hospitals have caused more deaths than COVID-19 back in 2020 and 2021.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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