Biden regime knew in January of 2021 that jabs didn’t stop covid, emails show

Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that fake president Joe Biden and his regime were well aware of the fact that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” do not stop the disease almost immediately after they were unleashed by the Trump administration through Operation Warp Speed.

Outgoing director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Rochelle Walensky, along with former National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins, discussed “breakthrough cases” of covid in January 2021. This was right when the jabs were being rolled out to the public.

“Breakthrough cases,” by the way, is the government’s deceptive way of saying that the jabs don’t work. Walensky admitted to this in the email correspondences, despite just recently claiming in a hearing before Congress that she had no idea the shots were useless until way later in the “pandemic.”

“I had a call with Francis Collins this morning and one of the issues we discussed was that of vaccine breakthroughs,” Walensky wrote in a January 2021 email. “This is clearly an important area of study.”

(Related: Is Operation Warp Speed the worst genocidal atrocity in world history?)

Walensky, Fauci and Collins all belong in prison for crimes against humanity

It was apparently not that important of an area to study after all, though, since absolutely nothing happened after that to get to the bottom of the issue. In fact, Walensky, Collins, and the rest of the Biden regime proceeded to go after anyone who dared question the alleged “safety and effectiveness” of the injections.


As we all remember, Big Tech, at the direction of the federal government, proceeded to censor, silence, de-platform, and otherwise destroy people’s lives for trying to tell the truth online about covid injections, which cause and spread more disease.

Two months after Walensky discussed vaccine breakthroughs via email, she was out in the public eye claiming that “fully vaccinated” people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick.” In other words, Walensky lied to the American people while quietly admitting internally that something was amiss.

During her hearing before Congress, Walensky lied again when pressed about the matter by claiming that she did not know in early 2021 that the jabs were a failure at keeping people safe and healthy. This is known as perjury, and Walensky is guilty of it on at least two accounts.

“Turns out Walensky even knew about the breakthroughs weeks earlier,” commented Dr. Houman Hemmati, a vocal critic of the government’s response to the fake pandemic, in disgust. “Nancy and I discussed this briefly a few weeks ago and I understand [redacted].”

Not to be left out of the conversation just because he quietly disappeared is former National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Tony Fauci, who likewise admitted in emails that fully jabbed people were still getting sick and spreading disease.

“Should we discuss?” Fauci asked of Collins in the January 2021 discourse. “What is the best next step forward?”

None of this is all that shocking considering who these people are and what they have done throughout their careers. While most of the country had never even heard of these people prior to covid, it became really clear really quickly that they were not telling the truth from the very beginning.

“We knew because we had eyes and brains,” said Bob Hoge of RedState about the matter. “This latest email is just further proof that they were knowingly spreading misinformation the entire time.”

Keenly aware Americans knew from the moment Donald Trump announced that covid jabs were being unleashed through Operation Warp Speed not to take them. Learn more at

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