UK government conspired with Big Tech, AI firms to monitor and censor lockdown critics: REPORT

A new report from The Telegraph (United Kingdom) reveals that the UK government, in partnership with social media and artificial intelligence (AI) firms, spied on and censored critics of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns all throughout the “pandemic.”

Officials embedded within the UK government structure worked clandestinely with Big Tech (i.e., Google, Facebook, and Twitter) and AI companies to keep a close eye on everyone who was resistant to the “stay at home” orders that were forced on the public in order to “stop the spread.”

Bearing many similarities to the “Twitter Files” here in the United States, the report put forth by The Telegraph shows that hidden authoritarian powers were monitoring and silencing those who dared to defy the government’s mandates and restrictions throughout the multi-year nightmare known as “covid.”

The report states that the UK government hired a so-called Counter-Disinformation Unit, or CDU, to monitor social media posts that in any way questioned or challenged the government’s lockdown policy. A Whitehall team originally established to counter alleged disinformation during the 2019 European elections, the purpose of the CDU during covid was to silence all “disinformation” shared online during that time.

(Related: Did you know that Twitter’s new CEO is a vaccine mandate globalist and lockdown pusher who constitutes everything that Elon Musk claimed he was going to change and get rid of after taking over the social media platform?)


UK government trying to hide full scope of censorship operations through heavy redaction of incriminating documents

Advanced AI technology was used to scour the internet for offending posts, as were the resources offered by Yorkshire-based Logically, a company that flagged numerous posts made by “respected scientists questioning lockdown or arguing against the mass vaccination of children against Covid-19.”

Eventually, many of the posts critical of government lockdown rules were brought to the attention of social media firms, which because they were tagged as “trusted flagger” received fast-track censorship.

As for the high-profile skeptics like Prof. Carl Heneghan from the University of Oxford, the CDU tracked and reported these as well.

Through Freedom of Information Act requests, The Telegraph was able to obtain profuse documentation, though heavily censored with redactions, showing that lots of censorship was happening. However, because so much was blacked out, ascertaining the full scope of all that took place remains difficult.

We do know that there were a number of secretive meetings held between government officials and social media bosses, as well as members of the BBC, to discuss how best to stop the spread of so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

The similar use of “stop the spread” language in reference to the spread of “misinformation” and “disinformation” almost makes it seem like this is what “covid” was really about all along: stopping the spread of truth during a contrived government “pandemic” psy-op.

Earlier reports corroborate this latest one from The Telegraph. One past report showed that the UK government deployed “anti-terrorism” units to help censor anti-lockdown content online.

“The very concept of ‘wrong information’ dictated by a central authority is open to abuse and should be considered far more critically, lest we mirror Chinese-style censorship,” commented Silkie Carlo of the Big Brother Watch campaign group, which ironically enough was surveilled by the government’s AI-driven disinformation system.

“Day by day we are getting closer to enslavement (or rebellion),” wrote a commenter on an article about these latest revelations. “I hope it’s the latter, though I’m too old now to be much help.”

Another quoted Gen. George S. Patton who once said: “We defeated the wrong enemy.”

The latest news about the Censorship Industrial Complex can be found at

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