GRIM REAPER of medications Remdesivir STILL being promoted with hospital bonuses for use on “Covid-19” victims

One of the easiest ways to end kidney function and die from “Covid-19” is to go to a US hospital where they prescribe patients deadly Remdesivir. The Remdesivir “protocol” has caused nationwide carnage, yet hospitals are still doling it out right and left for a pandemic that is over and done. The new pandemic is people dying of kidney failure from Remdesivir. This is a health emergency that needs to be addressed immediately.

The hospitals are still receiving lavish bonuses for using the kidney-decimating drug to “save” people from the Wuhan flu. The twenty largest US hospitals’ combined net assets increased more than 60 percent during the two years that the CARES Act pumped in $2 trillion dollars for Covid “treatments,” and the top executives of those hospitals made over $10 million in salary.

Attention US hospitals, want a nice chunk of the $2 trillion Covid money pot? Use deadly Remdesivir and you’ve got it

The protocol for treating Americans for the “novel virus” includes the most deadly of applications ever created for any virus, anywhere in the world. First off, the “preventative” care means being injected with highly experimental mRNA technology that was never even legitimately approved by the FDA (if that really matters anyway). This RNA-mutating injection tricks human cells into producing millions of microscopic prions, also known as spike proteins or graphite nanoparticles, that can stick together and cause deadly clots in the vascular system, and lodge in vital organs where the immune system is instructed to attack itself.

Next, even if you don’t have Covid-19, the PCR tests will tell you that you do have it, because they are crafted to read almost any bacterial infection (think Covid mask-caused infections) as “positive” for Wuhan Flu. This sends most Americans (allopathic brainwashed masses) straight to the hospital for more deadly “treatments.”

Next comes Remdesivir, to shut down the kidneys, while the doctors pad their pockets to pay for their 3-story homes and yachts. After the Remdesivir starts doing its chronic damage, many victims are then put on morbidly unsuccessful respirators and ventilators, that cause horrific lung infections and severe inflammation, driving more than 75 percent of them straight to the grave within  a few days.

Remdesivir is responsible for an untold number of renal failures. People are trapped inside the death chambers (hospitals like concentration camps), where no relatives can even visit them, while they die from Remdesivir and ventilators, not Covid. Yet still, the death is chalked up as caused by Covid or “died with Covid” so the hospitals can soak up those bonuses from the Biden Regime and Big Pharma.

“Remdesivir caused a lot of renal failures,” Ralph Lorigo, a lawyer in Buffalo says, “If you got Covid, the hospital put you on this government protocol and didn’t even check if you have kidney disease. There was a real lack of monitoring.”

Every day that someone is on Remdesivir and a ventilator they are 25 percent closer to dying. The protocol was for killing people, not saving them, and the money came for killing people, not saving them, so what do you think all the hospitals did? They all followed the HDP program – the Hospital Death Protocol.

It’s a sad state of affairs when you can’t even trust a US hospital to try to save you from a virus infection. Maybe the way to think about it is that nobody really needed “saving” from the Wuhan Flu, besides just eating some organic food, taking some vitamin D and zinc, and avoiding wearing an oxygen-depriving mask all day.

Tune your internet dial to for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma for toxic injections that spread disease and disorder.

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