11/24/2022 / By News Editors
A virology professor who played a role in green-lighting the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization for Covid-19 vaccines died suddenly last week.
(Article by Adan Salazar republished from Infowars.com)
Dr. Almyra Oveta Fuller, a notable associate professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Michigan, died Friday at the age of 67.
Watch: Prominent Virologist Dr. A. Oveta Fuller, who advocated for emergency use authorization of three Covid vaccines, has died suddenly from a brief unknown illness. pic.twitter.com/ovq1ltNCcS
— The Canadian Independent (@canindependent) November 21, 2022
Reports state Dr. Fuller died “following a brief illness unrelated to COVID,” though there’s no further information on the circumstances of her death.
Over the past few years, Dr. Fuller was a member of the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, which approved COVID-19 vaccines and boosters in the United States for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
In the following video from December 2020, Dr. Fuller can be seen participating in a discussion concerning the FDA’s potential approval of an EUA for Moderna’s Covid-19 jab.
Previous tweets from Dr. Fuller also show she had been a fierce pro-vaccine proponent. Dr. Fuller supported adding Covid-19 jabs to the list of required vaccines recommended by the CDC for students to attend public school.
From pandemic to endemic SARS CoV-2 will require wise decisions by leaders and each person. Required vaccines have stopped or reduced many illnesses – polio, measles, mumps, pertussis, chickenpox, smallpox, influenza… We must add COVID-19 to the list.https://t.co/ivwTNB6RQO
— fullerao@umich.edu (@ProfAOFuller) July 20, 2021
Here she is recommending pregnant women take the Covid vaccine:
As pregnancy naturally brings a temporary type of immunosuppressive, vaccination against COVID and booster are love and wisdom in action for mothers, a mother to be and the people around them. https://t.co/l5HLyWc00Z
— fullerao@umich.edu (@ProfAOFuller) November 14, 2021
Back in March 2021, the doctor argued that all three experimental Covid vaccines were safe and effective.
Yes, all 3 are effective. Mayor’s Friday press release explains that Detroit will use all 3 vaccines.
— fullerao@umich.edu (@ProfAOFuller) March 6, 2021
Questions about COVID-19 vaccines? Get answers at free COVID-19 Vaccine Education Town Halls sponsored by American Society for Virology and American Society for Microbiology. Please RT and share widely https://t.co/o3xRs29FY4 @ASMicrobiology pic.twitter.com/0TT0hllpvx
— American Society for Virology (@AmerSocVirol) March 20, 2021
Dr. Fuller also considered being “fully vaccinated” to be “a major tool in toolkit to crush or at least manage coexistence with low Covid levels.”
Looking forward to study results on duration for immune protection from first COVID vaccine. Important since fully vaccinated is a major tool in toolkit to crush or at least manage coexistence with low COVID levels.
— fullerao@umich.edu (@ProfAOFuller) August 3, 2021
In another tweet, she falsely claimed that the Covid vaccine was “NOT mRNA gene therapy.”
NOT mRNA gene therapy. No gene therapy. mRNA is not a gene. Vaccine takes mRNA message in lipid(fat) bubble into cells-does not go to nucleus or near DNA genes. mRNA decays (30min to <10 hrs). Spike protein made in cells from message triggers immune response = disease protection
— fullerao@umich.edu (@ProfAOFuller) August 12, 2021
The prominent virologist also did a “victory dance” after the FDA gave EUA approval for the third Covid-19 vaccine booster doses.
Pleased on Friday w VRBPAC colleagues persevering to recommend another tool in toolkit towards managing COVID. Grateful—a decidedly No request turned to unanimous Yes in EUA access to 3rd dose as boost. Progress—gotta keep moving forward people! Having a victory dance moment
— fullerao@umich.edu (@ProfAOFuller) September 18, 2021
Dr. Fuller also appears to have been concerned about vaccine hesitancy in the black community.
NPR Discussion on vaccine hesitancy among young black people is much needed. Questions should have a trusted safe relevant, “meet me where I am” place to be answered. Trustmessagers@gmail.com
— fullerao@umich.edu (@ProfAOFuller) December 1, 2021
Speaking to The Michigan Daily in November 2021, Dr. Fuller explained why she voted yes to an EUA approving Covid vaccines for children aged 5-11:
Based on the data that was presented for the clinical trials with 5- to 11-year-olds, as well as the rollout effects of the Pfizer vaccine over the last 10 months in millions of people, the benefits seem to far outweigh the risk. So I voted yes, to make that available as something that parents who choose to have their children vaccinated can do. My opinion was not so much to make it mandatory but to make it accessible.
Judging by the professor’s vociferous support of the experimental jabs, it can be safely assumed she likely adhered to CDC vaccine recommendations and most likely had received up to five Covid vaccine doses prior to her untimely demise.
Unfortunately, since there’s a near-total blackout on information surrounding her death, it’s impossible to say whether vaccines played a role – so we’ll have to chalk this up to another mysterious case of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Read more at: Infowars.com
Tagged Under:
Big Pharma, biological weapon, CDC, covid-19, FDA, pandemic, pharmaceutical fraud, science deception, science fraud, spike protein, traitors, vaccine, vaccine death, vaccine wars
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