11/02/2022 / By JD Heyes
A young Australian man and DJ who suffered major nerve damage after taking a COVD-19 vaccine has shared his heartbreaking story, which included a warning to anyone who will listen: Don’t get the jab.
“The Australian medical and health system has failed me and is now actively destroying the right to choose a treatment and the doctor/patient relationship – and what is concerning is they are now coming for you too,” writes songwriter Tyson Illingworth, noting that he got the Moderna vaccine.
After explaining how he has been involved in the music industry for two decades and is a well-established figure, the 35-year-old explained that he never thought he would be contacted most frequently about sharing his experience with the vaccine.
“Music is one of the most important and powerful things in my life and I am eternally grateful that I get to live my dream. I wake up every day excited about creating music for my millions of fans and clients around the world,” Illingworth wrote.
“Never in my wildest dreams (or more precisely my nightmares) did I expect that I would find myself where I am today: instead of touring and being interviewed for my latest show, track or album, I am receiving daily media invitations to talk about my fight to regain my health after being injured and paralyzed by the Moderna vaccine,” he added.
He went on to say that he is ‘pro-science’ and that he believes in evidence-based research, data, and medicine and as such, gladly took the vaccine because he was told — and believed — it was the right thing to do.
“I had complete faith and trust in my country’s (Australia) leadership and medical system – that is until I suffered a severe adverse reaction that left me helpless, paralyzed, and with no help from doctors or my government,” he writes.
He went on to note that after living in California for a decade, he moved back to his native country in 2021 thanks in large part to Democrats completely shutting down much of the state’s economy.
“In October that same year I received my first vaccination. Within days I started to feel severe and unbearable shooting pain and paralysis in my hands and feet. I contacted a globally well-respected spinal surgeon for advice, and his reply scared me like nothing before: ‘This can only be evidence of a catastrophic Neurological failure,'” Illingworth noted further, adding:
Shortly afterwards, I was rushed to hospital where I stayed for two weeks. I was in disbelief and became depressed because I couldn’t believe the vaccine could do this to me, especially when we were all told it was safe and effective and that if there was a reaction it would be minor. If this was not enough, whilst in hospital, I was under the care of a highly rude and dismissive neurologist who repeatedly told me: “There is no way this is the vaccine.”
Over time my condition worsened; I asked the doctors at the hospital if I would ever walk “properly” again, and they would not give me an answer because they were perplexed too. It was a surreal and lonely experience learning how to walk again, I had no one to whom I could turn who could understand me and give me answers.
Then things really got bad.
Before leaving the hospital, his neurologist insisted that Illingworth get a second vaccine, claiming, “If you don’t get the second one, the first will be redundant.”
But after getting the second jab just a month after his first vaccine, Illingworth noted that his condition got much worse, leaving him nearly paralyzed and out of breath so badly he had to call for an ambulance. And to make matters worse, he wound up getting COVID anyway in January 2022, which nearly killed him because, he said, he got little assistance from doctors and nursing staff who treated him and everyone else on the COVID ward like a “biohazard.”
“I honestly do not know how I made it through those two weeks in isolation,” he wrote. “By a miracle, I am grateful I survived; however, the combination of my vaccine injury and contracting COVID took me into a dark abyss for a period of time and all I know is this; I now have permanent degeneration of my spinal cord. I wake up every day in agony, and I require high doses of pain killers to function adequately.”
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big government, Big Pharma, chemical violence, covid lies, COVID vaccinev, covid-19, disease causes, health freedom, medical violence, neurological damage, pharmaceutical fraud, science deception, vaccine damage, vaccine injury, vaccine wars, vaccines
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