Doctors Hotze and Rogers promote wellness program over pharmaceutical drugs to fight diseases – Brighteon.TV

Throw away those pharmaceutical drugs. There’s a better and cheaper way to nurture the body back to health – a wellness program.

This was the advice given by Dr. Steve Hotze and his guest Dr. Sherry Rogers during the January 24 episode of the “The Dr. Hotze Report” on Brighteon.TV.

Hotze, author, speaker and owner of the Hotze Health and Wellness Center in Houston, Texas, asked Rogers to expound on why heart disease and stroke remain the leading killers in America and not the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). In the episode, Rogers also talked about the American healthcare system, the two main causes of disease and the primary cause of death.

Rogers, who’s nearing 80 years old but still plays tennis daily, claimed she has 24 maladies before she discovered God’s molecular biochemistry of healing and has no more medicines and symptoms now.

Good nutrition over pharmaceutical drugs

According to Rogers, the American health system is out of shape. “We’re the number one most expensive health care on the planet but we’re not number one, or two, or three or four in health – we’re number 43, 42. Other countries have better health than we do.” (Related: Health and food choices must be won to improve American health.)

Hotze followed through: “We make up three percent of the world’s population and we consume 45 percent of the pharmaceutical drugs in America. And yet, if you think drugs would make you well, then we ought to be the number one healthiest country in the world. But we are the 43rd out of 45th least healthy country in the world.”


The reason, according to Hotze, is all the side effects these drugs can cause on individuals.

“So cholesterol isn’t the problem. You can take all the statin drugs you want to lower cholesterol, but inevitably, you’ll never stop heart disease with statin drugs or with stents or with bypass surgery. You’ve got to prevent it by a healthy eating lifestyle — not a diet, [but] a new way to eat. And second, proper vitamins and minerals and nutrients that enable your body to heal itself and restore itself.”

Hotze cited the importance of vitamin D during the pandemic, saying people with high levels of vitamin D are unlikely to contract COVID-19 or will have very mild symptoms. Those with low levels, on the other hand, have a high probability of getting infected, hospitalized and killed by the disease.

Rogers also said there are only two causes of all diseases, be it cancer, COVID, atrial fib or high blood pressure: “The nutrient levels go down, and the toxicity levels go up.”

And people die the same way. “It doesn’t matter if you die of cancer, COVID, whatever. [There’s] only one cause of death: You stop making electrons,” she said.

Rogers explained why. “When the electrons are not around the red blood cell, they no longer can repel one another. And so they attract, and they clot, and that clotting is death.”

“Well, we know now after two and a half years of extensive research into this COVID stuff that COVID kills by clotting,” said Rogers.

Pandemic is just a dress rehearsal

Hotze also lashed out at COVID protocols like the PCR test, which he said is bogus, and the government’s acquisition of 400 million masks, which he said is dehumanizing.

For her part, Rogers claimed the pandemic is just a dress rehearsal but is perfectly on time because “it’s designed to never leave, to keep mutating and to target Americans.

“The American medical system, especially the cardiologists, all of them think they can poison people to health. Because all they do is give a poison. First to poison the kidney, then the beta receptors and calcium gels, etc.,” said Rogers.

According to Hotze, there’s no rocket science to being healthy. Just cut out the packaged food, eat vegetables, a little bit of meat, good healthy foods and exercise. He recommended adding cod liver oil to your diet because just like changing the oil of the car, a person also needs to change the oil in the body.

Summing up Rogers’ views, Hotze said she means all medications are toxic and they adversely affect the ability of cells to produce electrical energy.

“We want you to have energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life. You can’t have that on medication. You’ve got to have that through proper eating, proper vitamin and mineral support, balancing your hormones when necessary and replenishing those as you mature. And finally, a good exercise program,” said Hotze. “If you do that and treat allergies if needed to be, you can be on a path to health and wellness naturally.”

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Watch full January 24 episode of “The Dr. Hotze Report” below. Catch new episodes of the program every Monday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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