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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko tells Ann Vandersteel: COVID-19 is a bioweapon – Brighteon.TV

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko called the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) a biological weapon during the December 15 episode of “Steel Truth” with Ann Vandersteel on Brighteon.TV.

“Gain-of-function research is another code for making a weapon of mass destruction,” Zelenko said. “It was converted from an animal virus – bat coronavirus – to a human-infecting virus. It was meant to destroy human lung tissue and cause blood clots, and released onto the world stage.” (Related: American taxpayer money funneled to Wuhan to build coronavirus bioweapon.)

The well-known New York-based physician added that “the whole point of this global pandemic was to generate global fear and to cause human isolation.”

“And anyone who studied psychological warfare understands global fear, coupled with human isolation, leads to psychological compensation, and then people become gullible and vulnerable and easy to manipulate,” Zelenko said.

“And so that’s what we’re witnessing here, and it’s never been about health. It’s an artificially created bioweapon pandemic. Then they gave us an artificial solution, which really has an alternative agenda that is to tag humanity.”

He was, of course, referring to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Zelenko, the doctor known for bringing the hydroxychloroquine treatment to President Donald Trump’s attention back in March 2020, cited that sociopath Klaus Schwab said in 2016 that seven billion people will be tagged with a digital identifier within 10 years or by 2026.


COVID-19 vaccines kill certain percentage of people right away

According to Zelenko, the COVID-19 vaccine is an “interesting weapon or interesting tool” that kills a certain percentage of people right away.

“You know these vaccines have been shown to cause heart attacks and strokes, myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart. It’s like putting a heart in a food processor, you’re seeing all these athletes drop dead in the field. It causes miscarriages to go from 10 to 82 percent in the first trimester, causes huge spikes in cancer rates and autoimmune diseases, ovarian and testicular dysfunction, and not to mention the dreaded antibody dependent enhancement which we’re already seeing,” Zelenko said.

The physician added that COVID-19 vaccine is a weapon of eugenics that seeks to knock out a certain percentage of people right away, reduce the lifespan of a large percentage of people due to chronic illness and those that survive will all be tagged and be part of a matrix or grid.

He said that this will be a mechanism of control and manipulation of behavior and an attempt to enslave humanity, as well as weed out those that they don’t want.

“And so what we’re seeing is the infrastructure, the groundwork being laid for what’s called the Mark of the Beast stuff. Because in 2020, Microsoft got a patent, a world patent. I even remember the number WO2020O6O6O6. It’s a hard one to forget. But that patent describes biometric data linkage to cryptocurrency,” Zelenko said.

Zelenko, who has been on the front line of doctors studying and investigating COVID-19, said in a previous interview that his research has shown that what we are seeing is a well-coordinated release of a bioweapon that was followed by the release of poison death shots.

The doctor added that the so-called vaccines are deadlier than the virus. Both the pandemic and vaccines are being used by a certain group or organization for sinister reasons, he said.

As a conspiracy analyst, Zelenko explained that what he has seen led him to believe that everything related to the COVID-19 pandemic is a calculated plot to usher in the New World Order.

Watch the full Dec. 15 episode of “Steel Truth” with Ann Vandersteel on Brighteon.TV.

You can catch “Steel Truth” with Ann Vandersteel from Monday to Friday at 8-10 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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