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De Blasio doubles down on jab mandate for NYC subway travel, even though covid “vaccines” aren’t saving lives

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has tweeted a new decree that would seem to call for all riders of the subway to show proof of “vaccination” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to ride public transport.

Claiming without evidence that “[w]e know vaccine mandates work – New York City is proof of that,” de Blasio announced that it is time to “go even further” by mandating the jabs for citywide travel.

“I’m urging @GovKathyHochul to institute an MTA vaccine mandate,” de Blasio further wrote. “Let’s do what we can to keep our city, our residents, and our workforce safe.”

De Blasio’s request has not yet been answered by Hochul. If it is, then riding public transport would join going to the gym, eating out at restaurants and watching a movie at the cinema in requiring a “vaccine passport” for participation.

While some have suggested that de Blasio’s tweet was aimed at MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) workers, the tweet clearly does not single out just them. On its surface, the tweet seems directed at everyone who wants to travel on the subway.

“You are doing everything you can to bring the rioting taking place all over Europe to NYC, aren’t you?” asked one person in response to de Blasio’s tweet.

“That’s what you’re worried about?” asked another about de Blasio’s obsession with vaccine passports.

“Trains have a worse in time performance than in 2017 when we had a literal state of emergency, bc of 20 min intervals mid rush hour there’s dangerous overcrowding, and you’re worried about a mandate?”


Another asked when de Blasio’s term is up so they can once again visit New York City.

“Nope. This is insane,” wrote another.

“You are not instituting an internal passport with conditions for free movement around the city that disproportionately impacts the homeless, brings everyone into greater contact with the NYPD, and is logistically impossible anyway. Are you high?”

Covid has disappeared in Africa because nobody there is getting “vaccinated”

In Africa, meanwhile, the Chinese Virus has all but disappeared, even though only around six percent of all Africans have gotten injected.

According to the latest reports, Africa currently has the world’s lowest rate of “positive” test results, illnesses and deaths, despite shrugging off the plandemic narrative.

If the official narrative was actually true, then Africa should be a giant pile of bodies at the point, seeing as how the injections, the masks, the social distancing, and all the rest is virtually non-existent there.

Instead, Africa is virtually covid-free. And the media all throughout the West does not want people to know this because if enough people learned the truth, then there would be a whole lot of heads from pharmaceutical executives and politicians spiked on lampposts.

The “experts” say they just cannot figure out how there is no covid in Africa, but everyone else with a working brain can clearly see that masks, jabs and lockdowns are causing the thing that the so-called “authorities” insist they help to prevent.

“Other possible explanations forwarded as reasons for Africa’s situation include past exposure to other coronaviruses, youthful populations, fewer patients lacking zinc and vitamin D, past use of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination, climate, genetic background, and parasite load,” reported Ryan McMaken from Infowars.

“In addressing the African ‘enigma,’ one group of researchers in the journal Colombia medica dared even suggest it’s possible – although not conclusively shown at this point – that ‘a mass public health preventive campaign against COVID-19 may have taken place, inadvertently, in some African countries with massive community ivermectin use.'”

More of the latest news about Fauci Flu tyranny can be found at

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