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Andreas Kalcker reveals how Washington is suppressing the truth about chlorine dioxide in Latin America – Brighteon.TV

On the latest episode of CLO2TV on Brighteon.TV, Bob the Plumber plumbs deeper into the truth about chlorine dioxide, the treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that authorities have tried to suppress, putting many advocates behind bars.

With this in mind, Bob talks to Andreas Kalcker, one of the proponents of chlorine dioxide’s use against COVID-19 – and one of those persecuted for speaking about it. Kalcker was recently charged in Argentina for the death of a patient who supposedly suffered an overdose of chlorine dioxide.

You can watch the full episode below or on Brighteon.TV.

Chlorine dioxide in use in Latin America, but Washington doesn’t want you to know

Coming on to the show, Bob and Kalcker discuss the fact that chlorine dioxide is actually being used in some Latin American countries. This includes Bolivia, where Bob points out that there’s a law that allows its use.

“It’s a law in Bolivia, that you can use chlorine dioxide to treat COVID,” Bob points out. “And it’s being made in the universities down there.”

Kalcker follows this up by stating that it’s also seeing use in other countries. He points out that in Honduras, chlorine dioxide is used even by government officials, such as the Minister of Health. He also noted that the country now has a law that “expressly allows the use of any substance” against COVID-19 and that those who do so cannot be “pursued” by law enforcement for using it.

“So it’s basically the same in an elegant way, not speaking about chlorine dioxide, but permitting this and many, many people are using it with lots of great success,” he adds.


That these Latin American countries have been more open to chlorine dioxide’s use against COVID-19 raised the question of what it would take for other countries around the world to follow suit.

“Well, we know that there’s hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions of people using it all over the world, certainly as millions by now,” Bob says. “So, but what do you think it’s going to take to get other governments to come around? Finally?”

To this, Kalcker pointed out that, based on his own dealings with various government officials, many of the latter are “under pressure” from multiple sources to keep quiet about alternative treatments like chlorine dioxide. This includes pressure from the U.S. government itself.

“Basically, when I was speaking with senators in Ecuador, that have been healed with chlorine dioxide too,” he said. “So we’ve been speaking I asked them ‘what’s going on? Why can’t you make the law to permit it’ and  they said, well, Washington doesn’t let us.”

“Washington doesn’t permit it.”

Chlorine dioxide supporters persecuted

Pressure to silence any discussion about chlorine dioxide has led to many of its proponents facing legal action around the world. Kalcker himself faces charges in Argentina after a 5-year old boy supposedly died after taking the treatment.

While Kalcker and Bob did not discuss the case in the show, the former has, in the past, denied recommending that people take chlorine dioxide in large enough doses to cause harm.

Washington’s influence in trying to stop the use of chlorine dioxide is more easily seen in the case of Mark Grenon. The latter currently sits in a jail cell in Colombia, along with one of his sons, at the behest of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Two more of his sons are in jail in Miami for the same reason. (Related: Medical political prisoner Mark Grenon reveals the truth behind chlorine dioxide and COVID-19 – Brighteon.TV.)

The struggles faced by chlorine dioxide advocates like Grenon and Kalcker illustrate the lengths authorities will go to suppress the truth about the treatment, as well as the disease it treats. It’s only through the efforts of people like Bob the Plumber, the Health Ranger Mike Adams and others on Brighteon.TV that these people are given a chance to continue to have their voices heard.

For more on the truth about chlorine dioxide and COVID-19, tune in to CLO2TV every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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