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Is this still America? High school students forced to wear ankle bracelets so they can be monitored, tracked for COVID

High school athletes in a Washington state public school are being forced to wear ankle monitors ostensibly to assist in COVID-19 tracing efforts, but it’s just the latest example of how the Marxists throughout our society who have long posed as “Democrats” are turning our society into a prison labor camp sans our constitutional rights under the phony guise of ‘keeping us safe.’

Officials at Eatonville High School purchased the devices for coaches and students involved in sports — football, volleyball, soccer, baseball, softball and basketball — and if they want to play or be involved this year, then they have to wear them.

“The ‘TraceTag’ monitors are made by a company called Triax,” the National File reports.

“The devices have both visual and audio sensors that alert students when they are too close to each other. They also collect contact-trace data later used to identify which students have had contact with students who test positive for the virus. According to the district, the devices are only used during games or practices,” the outlet continued.

According to the report, the school funded the purchase of the tracking devices with grant money that likely came from U.S. taxpayers (or borrowed money from China that got piled on our national debt).

“We received grant funding that specifically included provisions to support higher-risk athletic programs, and we used some of those funds to pay for athletic proximity monitors,” the district said in a statement. “We are using these monitors for high contact and moderate indoor contact sports. The monitors are for both staff and students on the field, regardless if they are vaccinated or unvaccinated.”


According to The Post Millennial, which first reported on the development, the devices work to send out “a visual and audible alarm, so individuals know when to adjust their current distance to a proper social distance,” materials for the devices say.

Not surprisingly, the requirement to wear the devices was not included in any back-to-school materials provided to parents.

Thankfully, some sanity has prevailed, though it’s not clear yet how long it will last.

School Board Director Matt Marshall told The Post Millennial that the district has “shelved the devices until proper procedures including community input and board approval process occur.”

“I will fight any requirements that segregate students based on vaccination status. I am confident the rest of my colleagues will do the same,” he added.

But the school’s left-wing superintendent, Gary Neal, said that segregation was not the impetus behind the devices in his push to continue using them.

“If a student or coach tests positive, we will have immediate information regarding athletes’ and coaches’ contacts, so we can more tightly determine who might need to quarantine,” he said.

The school board was scheduled to meet on Wednesday to decide whether the monitors will be put into use or not. But the fact that someone in the district thought tracking students for any reason was a good idea is haunting enough.

The virus has turned our Western civilization, formerly one of the most democratic in the history of the planet, into the very same authoritarian regimes we so haughtily denounce. Tracking kids for any reason whatsoever is nothing short of something the Communist Chinese or the Iranians or the North Korean regime would do.

Tracking Americans is wrong, period, under any circumstances, and it needs to stop like yesterday.

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