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Do we need a vaccine “bill of rights,” or does the Constitution already protect health freedom?

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has created a new tool for state lawmakers to craft Vaccine Bill of Rights (VBOR) legislation as a defense against mandatory vaccination.

In the face of “intrusive, dangerous and unnecessary proposals,” to quote Patrick Delaney of LifeSiteNews, many Americans are concerned that the United States might go the way of Israel in requiring Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination as a type of health “passport” in order to buy and sell. AFLDS is working on the frontlines to stop this from happening.

The VBOR was composed, according to AFLDS, “so that state legislatures can re-affirm their commitment to individual rights of conscience, assembly, and movement.”

“You are now armed with the tools to fight for your freedom,” a draft resolution of the document template reads. “THIS IS YOUR MISSION.”

You, your family, and your friends are all free to access the VBOR document, which AFLDS is urging people to send to their state representatives along with a petition urging them “to pass the resolution immediately.”

The LifeSite Action Center has created a nationwide “Alert” on its Voter Voice Platform that simplifies the process with a one-step contact form.

“This system will automatically match citizens to their representatives’ email and / or Twitter accounts, and with a single click they can send their message to them directly,” Delaney writes. “Calling the legislators’ offices is an option provided as well.”


Vaccine Bill of Rights actualizes already established Constitutional law

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution explicitly directs states to not “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Mandatory vaccination clearly violates this.

Some would argue, as did several of our own commenters, that there is no need for a VBOR because we already have the official Bill of Rights. One of them wrote:

“We already have a Bill of Rights to govern vaccines. It is THE Bill of Rights and the Ninth Amendment gives us the right to refuse ‘vaccines’ … Americans can hardly even think in principle anymore. Instead, Americans need a list of rights to choose from. It is all they can get their brains around.”

This writer agrees with that sentiment, however VBOR legislation could serve the purpose of reiterating what the main Bill of Rights already long established. Readers are encouraged to take this approach in contacting their legislators, reminding them that their job is to protect our existing rights under the Constitution, not infringe them.

“Quite frankly, I can’t believe the conversation is even necessary,” wrote another of our commenters.

As explained by Delaney, the purpose of enacting a VBOR is to actualize already established Constitutional law, as well as federal law that broadly recognizes the international norms articulated in the Nuremberg Code of 1947.

The Nuremberg Code, as you may already know, came about after World War II to address the crimes against humanity that were committed by Nazi “doctors” who conducted deadly medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners. That same model of human experimentation is happening once again under the guise of fighting a “pandemic.”

“No one – not the government, employers, nor any individual – should maintain the authority to force anyone to get vaccinated, and a Vaccine Bill of Rights in your state will ensure that they don’t,” the LifeSite Alert explains.

“The AFLDS proposal is a reasonable, responsible, and reassuring step in the right direction as we move into the next phase of the pandemic, and state legislators should either introduce its provisions as legislation or model their proposal after them.”

More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at

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