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After months of rejecting masks and watching infections spread, Trump finally orders all White House officials and visitors to wear masks

President Trump is now ordering officials and visitors to wear masks in the West Wing of the White House, according to a Wall Street Journal report, but only after months of refusing to wear masks, during which the coronavirus spread to at least two White House officials (and multiple secret service agents).

The WSJ reports:

The White House directed officials to wear masks at all times inside the building except when sitting at their own desks, administration officials said Monday… The directive, which officials said was delivered in a memo, comes as White House officials have largely resisted wearing masks in public and in private.

Because we live in a cause-and-effect universe, actions have consequences. Refusing to wear masks allows the virus to rapidly spread in indoor environments. Ordering officials and visitors to start wearing masks will surely help prevent future spread of the virus, but it can’t reverse the infections that have already occurred.

Informed people have known for at least two months that masks are very effective at halting the spread of the coronavirus indoors. Trump’s refusal to embrace the wearing of masks has also apparently inspired his many followers to become anti-mask advocates who refuse to wear masks as they gather in public protest.

Want evidence that masks work? Nations that have embraced mandatory mask policies in shared spaces are doing very well handling the virus:

… while nations that have rejected or ignored mask policies are doing very poorly:


The coronavirus is spreading through the White House because that’s what happens when ignorant people don’t wear masks

Thanks to the anti-mask policies that existed until today, a “high ranking official” in the White House has now contracted the coronavirus, according to The Sun:

Correspondent April Ryan tweeted: “I’m hearing on good authority that #coronavirus is more rampant in the #WhiteHouse than the public is being told.

An isolated Trump is said to be “spooked” that the virus has made it to the White House after Mike Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller was diagnosed, reports The Guardian.

President Trump shouldn’t be surprised that the coronavirus has spread around the White House while his own people were refusing to wear masks. By the same reasoning, people who refuse to wear seat belts shouldn’t be surprised when their faces get smashed into steering columns and windshields following unexpected traffic accidents. If you’re not going to wear protective gear, don’t be surprised when bad things happen to you.

Masks work. That’s why surgeons wear them during surgical procedures, by the way. And it seems insane that our own president took 2-3 months to figure out something that nearly all the other countries in the world — including many Third World nations — figured out long ago.

I sure hope we don’t get involved in a nuclear conflict during Trump’s presidency, or we’ll all have to sit the president down and teach him about the atom so that he doesn’t take months to figure out how radioactive fallout works. (And don’t even try to teach him about the “half life” of a radioisotope…)

Then again, Trump isn’t a dementia patient like the Democrat nominee, but I’m really not sure what’s worse: Having no knowledge or having no mind.

Either way, it seems we’re all screwed. With leaders like this, who needs international enemies? Is there an option on the ballot for a candidate who understands the basics of science, medicine, economics, history,  and who isn’t a liberty-hating globalist pedophile? Now that would be a reason to get out and vote.

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