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FEMA orders another 100,000 body bags for coronavirus “worst-case” scenario

In preparation for what government officials are calling a “worst-case” scenario, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has placed an order for another 100,000 body bags as the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues.

According to reports, FEMA had previously ordered 100,000 “human remains pouches” in anticipation of an uptick in deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But now the agency has doubled that order just in case the death toll jumps even further.

By late April, the official death toll in the United States from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) had reached about 60,000, which aligns with predictions made by President Donald Trump that anywhere from 60,000 to 70,000 lives might be lost in the U.S. due to the pandemic.

The order by FEMA will cost taxpayers $5.1 million, according to data collected from federal contracting databases. The supplier is a small California company that is supposed to have the body bags delivered by May 4.

“In order to meet the worst-case demand models, FEMA initiated a broad range of acquisition contracts to augment available stocks and produce more human-remains pouches for future requirements should they be needed,” stated a FEMA spokesperson.

Earlier in the month, FEMA had asked the military to provide 100,000 body bags for civilian use, according to the Department of Defense (DOD). These shipments have already been sent to so-called “hot spots” where individual state data shows heavy infections and deaths.

This newer order, the FEMA spokeswoman added, will be available “should there be any fall resurgence or need to respond to other disasters.” It also corresponds with President Trump’s earlier declaration of a national coronavirus emergency.

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, compares the number of deaths in the U.S. from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to the number of deaths from other common causes:

Protesters are putting body bags outside Trump hotels in condemnation of his response

Speaking of body bags, people who do not approve of how President Trump has handled the pandemic thus far are reportedly tossing body bags in front of his Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. and driving their cars by slowly as if to stage a funeral procession.

Dubbed the “People’s Motorcade,” the procession went from the hotel all the way to the White House, and even featured the infamous inflatable Trump chicken. In front of the hotel, black plastic bags filled with cardboard were left behind to look like death victims from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Instead of ordering more body bags to clean up actual dead bodies from the pandemic, Trump should instead be focusing on getting more personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care professionals and frontline workers, these protesters insist.

In order to not catch the virus themselves, protesters who were unloading the cardboard-filled body bags in front of Trump International Hotel reportedly engaged in social distancing. Most of the protesters stayed inside their cars, or they projected their speeches via the Zoom video conferencing platform.

The protest was organized in part by the Center for Popular Democracy, and its participants are “angry at Trump, but mostly we’re trying to save the lives of our neighbors and our friends,” stated Jennifer Flynn Walker, the group’s senior director of mobilization and advocacy.

“When the president lies, people literally die,” she stated, adding, unsurprisingly: “especially given his most recent advice that people drink disinfectant or inject it or whatever.”

As our readers probably well know, President Trump never said this. But his haters are notorious for hearing what they want to hear and responding accordingly.

For more related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out

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