02/10/2020 / By S.D. Wells
Millions of Americans can barely make it through an ordinary day without ingesting chemicals that temporarily “boost” their performance, but only in small bursts, and with a long-term health price to pay. From energy drinks to sugar-loaded junk food, from candy to soda, and from high doses of caffeine on down to nicotine and other addictive drugs, these chemical stimulants drive your physical and mental stamina to all time lows during each and every day. What’s a person to do? Visit a doctor?
Oh, but it’s not genetics, though most would love to blame that, like those quack MDs that push pills for pharma spiffs. Yes, people pile excuses on top of excuses, and the American medical establishment only treats the symptoms for those chronic health problems, never addressing the root of the problem. This includes chronic inflammation, depression, anxiety, and sheer lack of motivation.
Then there are genetically modified foods, fluoridated water and flu shots – driving chronic inflammation, another main cause, as science would have it, for an imbalance between dopamine and serotonin. Now comes social anxiety disorder, nervous twitches and habits, more junk-science stimulation, and on down to the bottom – prescription drugs for all the “symptoms.” It’s a formula for failure, and it’s scribbled out as a “prescription” every minute.
Let’s use a metaphor. Spark plugs for your automobile fit into your engine’s cylinder head, where they essentially spark to ignite the fuel. Spark plugs are connected to the ignition coil itself, and that creates the high voltage needed to spark the fuel that creates your engine’s combustion. The human brain is very similar, in that basic way. Dopamine acts as a chemical messenger, carrying signals from neurons to neurons. The dopamine is released into the synapse (the tiny gap between neurons) where it meets up with dopamine receptors on the neighboring neuron. That’s where the spark happens that “ignites” the fuel in your brain; hence, motivation, energy, critical thinking, fight or flight, and you get the comparison. Got misfiring spark plugs and dirty gasoline in your “tank?”
Maybe you’ve been using synthetic fuel for far too long and your dopamine levels are tanking out. Let’s check. If you’re lacking that “get up and go” quality, maybe you need to supplement your dopamine production naturally, and get off all those chemicals that hinder and dampen it. If you have that listless feeling, that rears up its ugly head at the worst of times, it’s probably due to low dopamine levels and chronic inflammation, and there’s science to back this up.
Now it’s officially documented – the link between chronic inflammation, low dopamine levels, and low motivation. Using a computational method to test their theories, some geniuses at Emory discovered how chronic, low-grade inflammation dampens the brain’s dopamine system. They published the study in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences, explaining how when your body is trying to heal from a wound or infection, your brain’s motivation needs to be “re-calibrated” to conserve energy, so it can be utilized for the right things.
A weakened, polluted immune system affects this calibration by disrupting the dopamine system. This in turn contributes to motivational impairments and over time, chronic disorders like depression, anxiety, and yes, social disorders. This landmark research opens up doors for treating depression, anxiety and lack of motivation using natural remedies very few people know about right now.
Want to talk about a safe and effective natural remedy for depression, anxiety and chronic inflammation? The seeds, beans and roots of Mucuna Pruriens have been used for amazing health benefits for over 2,000 years, but mainly by indigenous people who live in tropical climates, where these plants flourish.
The beans are ground up into a powder and sold in capsule form at most health food stores or via the internet. Women who are pregnant or nursing shouldn’t take them, but for everyone else, it’s time to follow the science right over to Mother Nature’s “medicine cabinet.”
Here are just some of the health benefits of taking Mucuna supplements: First off, the beans contain approximately 27% protein and are rich in minerals. They are a powerful aphrodisiac (enhances your libido – your sex drive). They contain amino-acid derived L-dopa that boosts dopamine production naturally and they’ve been used in India’s Ayervedic medicine for over 2,000 years. Here’s the best part: Mucuna pruriens have proven to be anti-viral and anti-inflammatory as well.
Wait, there’s more. Mucuna, also known as Velvet Bean, Cow-Itch and Buffalo Bean, provides a significant source of natural anti-oxidants, meaning it helps you fight cancer by preventing damage to cells caused by free radicals. It also contains anti-microbial agents that work as natural preservatives.
Doctors use it (when the AMA isn’t looking) to treat diabetes, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. This research is published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
Tune your internet dial to HealthFreedom.news, where millions of Americans and people around the world are learning the truth about their own health so they can take control, naturally. That’s natural health news you can use. Seek longevity and you might just find it.
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Tagged Under: Anxiety, brain health, chronic inflammation, depression, dopamine, low dopamine, mental health, Motivation, mucuna, Mucuna pruriens