08/15/2019 / By Stephanie Diaz
A lot of people have anger management issues, but even those who handle their emotions well can still benefit from simple but powerful ways to control how they feel. Your mood, in particular, affects your daily life so much that gaining control over it often results in better quality of life.
Simple ways to manage emotions
Managing emotions does not mean suppressing them. Pretending that feelings of sadness and loneliness do not exist will not make these negative emotions go away. If these feelings are not properly addressed, they are likely to build up and get worse over time. Moreover, suppressing emotions have been linked to unhealthy habits such as excessive eating and drinking. The first step in gaining control over these feelings is to acknowledge them, followed by changing perspectives and participating in engaging activities.
- Acknowledge your emotions: It is important to acknowledge and label feelings so they can be properly addressed. Knowing how you feel will allow you to make necessary changes in your life. It should also be noted that anger is sometimes accompanied with feelings of vulnerability, such as shame and embarrassment.
- Change your perspectives: Heightened emotions can lead to overthinking and sometimes, emotional distress. Occasionally, it helps to see the world in another light to regain control. By asking yourself questions like “What would I do if I were in her position?” or “What would my sister do if she had this problem?” will allow you to gain a different perspective.
- Participate in engaging activities: People often engage in unhealthy activities that may only amplify their current psychological distress. Excessive partying or closing in on yourself is not likely to make you feel better. These activities do not address personal feelings and only sweeps them under the rug. In order to not get stuck, take positive action and engage in healthy activities that can improve your mood.
Managing emotions is no easy task and there will be times when your anger will get the best of you. But as the saying goes, practice makes permanent. By regularly following these steps, it will get easier to manage your emotions and, in turn, make you mentally stronger. For now, here are a few mood-boosting activities that you can try when you are feeling down.
- Go out and get some sun: Soaking up some sunlight will help you get that much needed vitamin D. This micronutrient is known for its mood boosting health benefits. Moreover, going outside will allow you to engage in fun physical activities like swimming or playing frisbee.
- Meet up with a close friend: If you are feeling particularly down, meeting with a friend will help elevate your mood. They will not only advise you but also give you some much needed comfort.
- Jot down what you are thankful for: When you are in a bad mood, you may find yourself focusing too much on negative emotions. To counter this, write down everything you are grateful for. This will help you stay grounded and focus on all the good things that surround you.
- Reminisce on happy memories: Check out old photos and videos of friends and loved ones to trigger good and happy memories.
- Get some exercise: Doing exercise are known to release “feel-good” hormones, such as endorphins. So, go out and take that much needed run. (Related: Better than antidepressants: Physical activity is a simple way to improve your mood.)
- Use essential oils: Aromatherapy is known for its mood-boosting effects. Essential oils are often used in spas to help people relax.
What are you feeling today? Visit MindBodyScience.news to learn more about controlling your emotions and channeling them into something positive.
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