Want to try ACV but can’t stand the taste? Here are some ways you can incorporate the healthy vinegar into your diet

Acetic acid is responsible for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV), but that same acid also gives the fermented drink a very sour taste. Thankfully, there are ways to make ACV much more palatable, making it easier to enjoy its health benefits and even its taste.

The simplest way is to add a tablespoon of ACV with 300 mL of water. Drinking this before sleeping detoxifies the body and regulates blood glucose levels.

You can also use fruit juices to reduce the sour taste of the vinegar. Mix two tablespoons of ACV with a cup of juice that you like and wash down your breakfast with it. For best results, pick grapefruit juice or another juice that has lots of vitamin C.

Apple cider vinegar can also be combined with raw honey and water. Stir one tablespoon of ACV and one tablespoon of honey inside a glass of water until it is evenly mixed. Consume this concoction 20 minutes before you eat breakfast.

Add more water or juice if the taste is still strong for you. Make it a habit to drink the mix every day. (Related: 5 ways apple cider vinegar can help give you healthy hair.)

The best time to drink apple cider vinegar is upon waking up or before sleeping

Some of the best times to take ACV are right after you wake up and before hitting the hay for the night. Drinking a diluted mix during the morning on an empty stomach helps reduce weight, while consuming it during the evening cleanses the body.

If you want to drink it during the evening, there is another good recipe that includes honey. Take 250 mL of water, add two tablespoons of ACV instead of just one, and add as much honey as you like to make it sweeter and easier to drink.


This mixture should be drunk at least one hour before you sleep. It can help control high blood sugar levels.

A 2009 study by Japanese researchers from the Central Research Institute of the Mizkan Group Corporation is one of the many studies that suggest ACV can reduce excess weight and maintain healthy weight. In that trial, the body mass index, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride concentrations of the human participants showed reductions. Based on the findings of that research, taking ACV on a daily basis could alleviate obesity and decrease the chances of metabolic syndrome.

A glass of diluted apple cider vinegar drink a day keeps the doctor away

ACV has many health benefits. It restores normal blood pressure levels, decreases the size and pain of varicose veins, and manages sugar concentrations in the blood.

Rats that took ACV displayed higher levels of renin, a plasma enzyme that helps regulate blood pressure. This anti-hypertensive effect is attributed to the acetic acid in the vinegar.

ACV can be applied onto varicose veins. When used as a topical treatment, it greatly decreased the symptoms of varicosity, including the pain and anxiety triggered by the veins.

Diluted ACV reduces the amount of blood glucose of a person when he or she wakes up. This effect makes it a very beneficial and popular drink among Type 2 diabetes patients.

A 2007 study conducted by a research team from the Arizona State University lends credence to this. The researchers gave two tablespoons of ACV and cheese to hyperglycemic people who were undergoing treatment. The fasting glucose levels of the participants dropped by six percent.

There is no need to force yourself to drink pure apple cider vinegar. There are many ways to make this healthy drink easier on the tongue.

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