Effective herbal remedies to fight the flu when SHTF

Getting the flu when you are in the comfort of your own home can be bad enough, but what if you came down with the illness in the middle of a SHTF situation? How can you treat a flu infection while living off the grid? Here are a few effective herbal remedies for treating the flu that you can find either out in the wilderness or right in your own kitchen. (h/t to PreppersWebsite.com)

Elderberry syrup or extract

A popular ingredient in folk medicine since ancient times, elderberries can give your immune system the boost it needs to effectively fight off your flu infection. You can make your own elderberry tea by mixing elderberry syrup or extract with hot water. If you are suffering from a scratchy throat, you can add the syrup to some sparkling water and drink the mixture cold. Both beverages can help alleviate flu symptoms. Research also suggests that elderberries may shorten the duration of the flu infection.

Green tea

There is nothing like drinking a warm cup of tea when you are feeling under the weather. It can also help you stay hydrated. Green tea is packed with immune-boosting antioxidants, making it the perfect beverage for anyone suffering from the flu. Simply steep a tea bag in hot water for around three to five minutes and savor the tea’s steamy essence and refreshing aroma as you drink the soothing liquid. (Related: Natural flu remedies and preventatives you need to know.)

Mint tea

When you are sick with the flu, it is generally a good idea to get plenty of fluids in your body to keep you hydrated and to help flush out the infection. Mint tea is another health-promoting beverage that can be used to treat a variety of different health conditions, including colds, flu, nausea, and vomiting. You can choose from peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, or any other kind of mint tea to relieve your flu symptoms. Whichever type of mint tea you choose, you can be sure to experience a refreshing and cooling sensation due to mint’s high menthol content.


Ginger root

Ginger root possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties which people have utilized since ancient times as a form of natural medicine. It is especially effective in alleviating symptoms such as nausea, headaches, sore throats, congestion, and chills. You can also take ginger root in the form of a tea by steeping two tablespoons of fresh ginger in a cup of hot water. However, since ginger may irritate your mouth and digestive system, it is best to limit your intake to four grams of ginger a day. You might also want to try taking ginger in the form of tablets or chewable pills.

Hot peppers

You’d be amazed what wonders hot peppers can do for your sinuses. These spices contain a natural compound called capsaicin. This compound can help clear your blocked or congested nasal passages by thinning the mucus in your sinuses. If you have a taste for hot and spicy foods, then grab a fiery bowl of chili and dig in. The heat should make you feel better immediately. The best part is that, since having the flu or a cold can dull your taste buds, the hot peppers can be a great way to reintroduce flavor back into your dishes while you’re sick.

Garlic and onions

The strong odor of garlic and onions might be off-putting to some people, but they can help you breathe easily when your nasal passages are blocked due to the flu. They both contain a powerful compound called allicin, which can provide an effect similar to the capsaicin found in hot peppers. Allicin also possesses strong antibacterial and antiviral properties to help your body fight off flu infections.

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