If you like to eat fresh corn, you may have gotten used to throwing away corn silk. But instead of getting rid of it, try using corn silk to make a natural remedy with many benefits.
Reasons to drink corn silk tea
Corn silk comes from the stigmas of female corn plants. Native Americans used corn silk in traditional medicine to address many health complaints and it is still used for certain medicinal applications.
It is full of nutrients, such as vitamin K, and it can be combined with other herbs to produce remedies for different conditions. Corn silk is often used to treat conditions that involve the urinary tract.
Here are six of the medicinal benefits of corn silk.
- It can control cholesterol. Corn silk can help lower cholesterol, which may accumulate in the arteries. Drink corn silk tea to lower your risk of developing heart disease.
- It can lower blood sugar. Corn silk can help you manage an imbalance in insulin production, which is often linked to your blood sugar levels. Corn silk can also reduce high sugar levels in people with diabetes symptoms.
- It can treat bladder infections. Patients with bladder infections can drink boiled water made from corn silk to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and microbes in the urinary tract.
- It has vitamin K. Vitamin K can help promote blood clotting, which is crucial for people who have hemophilia, a rare disorder wherein the blood does not clot normally.
- It prevents kidney stones. Corn silk can help remove the nitrate compounds that settle in the kidneys, and this can prevent the formation of kidney stones. Drink boiled water made from corn silk to avoid getting kidney stones. (Related: 15 herbs that naturally detox your kidneys.)
- It promotes healthy digestion. Boiled water from corn silk is good for your digestive health, and it can stimulate the production of digestive juices.

The next time you’re making boiled corn, hold on to corn silk so you can make some medicinal tea.
Recipe for corn silk tea
Below is a recipe for corn silk tea, which you can drink to resolve the health concerns listed above.
- 1/4 cup of fresh corn silk or 2 teaspoons (tsp) of dried corn silk
- 1 cup (250 milliliters [ml]) water
- Bearberry, buchu, couch grass, ginger, honey, lemon juice, or yarrow (optional)
You can make corn silk tea with either fresh or dried corn silk, but using fresh corn silk will produce a more effective herbal tea. When using fresh corn silk, opt for golden strands instead of browner ones.
- Bring the water to a boil (100 degrees Celsius).
- Get a teapot, then put at least 1/4 cup of fresh corn silk per cup of water. If you’re using dried corn silk, add two teaspoons per cup of water.
- Pour the boiling water into the teapot, then put the lid on.
- Set the tea aside and let it steep for 10 minutes.
- Once the tea is ready, strain the liquid into a mug. Drink the tea at least thrice a day.
- Add a bit of fresh lemon or lime juice if you prefer a zesty corn silk tea. This is considered a sweet tea, but if you want a sweeter drink you may add a bit of honey.
Drink corn silk tea for seven to 10 days, then take a break for three to five days so your body can work on its own. If your problem isn’t resolved after drinking the tea, consult a healthcare professional.
Additional tips:
- Corn silk tea can be served as a warm or cold drink. Serve the tea over ice during the summer.
- Don’t add milk to the tea since milk will hinder the health benefits of the tannins in corn silk.
- To treat cystitis, combine corn silk with bearberry, buchu, couchgrass, or yarrow.
- When making the tea, add ginger to the corn silk. Chop fresh ginger root and add it to the tea as it steeps. This will enhance the flavor of the tea and boost its health benefits.
- You can drink corn silk tea at least three to four hours before going to bed at night. It can help strengthen your urinary system without disturbing your sleep.
Learn more about the health benefits of corn silk and other natural remedies at Cures.news.
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