12/05/2018 / By Edsel Cook
Ghanian researchers evaluated the Ming aralia (Polyscias fruticosa), a local medicinal plant that is used to treat asthma in folk medicine. In their animal model of asthma, they found that the leaf extract of the shrub was able to alleviate asthmatic symptoms in guinea pigs.
The University of Cape Coast lent its support to this experiment. The findings were published in the science journal Pharmaceutical Biology.
Based on their findings, the extract of ming aralia offered potential value in treating asthma. It accomplishes its anti-asthma and antihistamine effects by stabilizing mast cells.
This site contains the full version of the study.
NaturalCures.news has more stories about the medicinal uses of ming aralia.
Journal Reference:
Koffuor GA, Boye A, Kyei S, Ofori-Amoah J, Asiamah EA, Barku A, Acheampong J, Amegashie E, Awuku AK. ANTI-ASTHMATIC PROPERTY AND POSSIBLE MODE OF ACTIVITY OF AN ETHANOL LEAF EXTRACT OFPOLYSCIAS FRUTICOSA. Pharmaceutical Biology. 2015;54(8):1354–1363. DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2015.1077465.
Tagged Under:
antihistamine, asthma, asthma management, asthma relief, atropine, herbal medicines, Herbs, ming aralia, natural cures, natural medicine, plantmedicine, traditional folk medicines
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