The nine ways fluoride is harming your brain

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls the fluoridation of water “one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.” Nonetheless, even though fluoride occurs naturally in small amounts in water and can be found in the earth’s crust, its addition to drinking water to supposedly strengthen teeth and prevent cavities is a highly controversial and dangerous practice.

The World Health Organization, referencing countries where well water is high in fluoride, warns:

The consumption of fluoride-rich drinking-water results in serious health effects, ranging from dental fluorosis to crippling skeletal fluorosis, both effects being irreversible. Children whose teeth and bones are still developing are most susceptible to high fluoride concentrations. This is further aggravated by poor nutritional status. Symptoms start to develop during childhood, and preventing exposure represents the only effective intervention. [Emphasis added]

While there is virtually no evidence that fluoridation strengthens teeth in any way, there is loads of evidence that it is a neurotoxin with devastating effects on the brain.

Be Brain Fit recently reported on nine different ways in which fluoridated water can negatively impact your mental health.

A developmental neurotoxin

A recent study published in the journal The Lancet recommended that fluoride be classified as a developmental neurotoxin – a substance which is destructive to the brain, nervous system and/or spinal cord before birth and during infancy – along with arsenic, mercury, toluene and lead.


Lowers IQ

More than 50 peer-reviewed studies have linked the consumption of fluoridated water to lower IQ in children. A joint metanalysis by Harvard School of Public Health and China Medical University, which examined 27 studies on the subject, found “strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children.”

Linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease

The body has a natural protective membrane called the blood-brain barrier which prevents dangerous substances like aluminum from entering the brain. However, when aluminum comes into contact with fluoride it is able to cross that barrier in the form of aluminum fluoride. Numerous studies have linked the presence of aluminum fluoride to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Doubles the risk of hypothyroidism

Fluoridated water nearly doubles the risk of hypothyroidism – a disorder of the endocrine system which results in the thyroid gland being unable to produce enough thyroid hormone, resulting in poor ability to tolerate cold, fatigue, weight gain, constipation and depression.

Causes degeneration of parts of the brain

Be Brain Fit explains how fluoridation affects certain parts of the brain:

Once fluoride crosses the blood-brain barrier, it causes degeneration to specific parts of the brain — the hippocampus, the neocortex, and the cerebellum.

The hippocampus is considered the seat of memory and is critical for learning, emotional regulation, and shutting off the stress response.

The neocortex is considered the most evolved area of the brain where sensory perception, conscious thought, and language skills largely take place.

The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance.

Interferes with the pineal gland and melatonin production

Melatonin – a hormone which controls sleep, offsets the damage caused by brain disorders like dementia, and acts as a potent antioxidant – is produced in the pineal gland. This gland is susceptible to calcification caused by minerals like calcium and fluoride. When this happens, melatonin production is negatively affected, resulting in insomnia, accelerated brain aging and depression.

Leaches lead from old water pipes

If the house you live in was built before 1986 it may well have lead water pipes. Since fluoridated water leaches lead, it could be increasing the amount of lead in your water by as much as nine-fold. Lead exposure is dangerous to all humans, but young brains are the most vulnerable. It can result in learning disabilities, lowered IQ, memory loss, mood disorders and other serious complications.

Linked to ADHD

As previously reported by Natural News:

Scientists from the University of Toronto recently confirmed that exposure to high levels of fluoride in the womb increases ADHD-like symptoms in school-aged children. Dr. Morteza Bashash, the study’s lead author … commented on the findings and stated, “Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure.”

Causes depression … and is found in antidepressant medications

Many of the commonly prescribed antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications contain high levels of fluoride. This is counterintuitive because several studies have linked fluoride to causing depression. If you are currently taking one of these medications it may be worth talking to your healthcare professional about switching to a fluoride-free medication or opting for a more natural approach.

How to reduce fluoride exposure

Fluoride is pervasive in our environment, but there are ways to reduce exposure to it, including using fluoride-free toothpaste and investing in a high-quality fluoride reducing water filter.

Learn more at

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