People with kidney disease have to watch their intake of magnesium: A case study

A 73-year-old man with a kidney disease almost died after he took milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide). The elderly patient was rushed to the hospital after his heart rate severely dropped causing him to suffer from a cardiac arrest. Medical staff on board initially diagnosed the man with cardiogenic shock (a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood) and/or sepsis. However, after further tests, the patient was diagnosed with hypermagnesemia, a complication that occurs when a person exhibits excessively high magnesium levels. The patient was found to have four times the normal levels of magnesium in his body.

Hypermagnesemia can mimic the symptoms of a cardiac arrest and can be fatal if not treated immediately. Thankfully, doctors were able to save the man’s life after normalizing his magnesium levels over a period of three days.

The patient had been complaining of persistent nausea and vomiting before he was hospitalized. The man was suffering from an end-stage kidney disease and was taking milk of magnesia to help with his constipation. His inability to expel waste caused him to ingest large amounts of milk of magnesia more than what is normally recommended.

The normal levels of magnesium in the blood should be within the limit of 1.0 mmol/l. The man had a magnesium measurement of 4.1 mmol/l.

Dr. Elizabeth Sage Colombo from the Veterans Health Administration who oversaw the treatment of the elderly patient wrote, “In summary, two mechanisms, decreased elimination as a consequence of [end-stage kidney disease] and the ingestion of laxatives resulted in nearly fatal hypermagnesaemia in our patient. He responded remarkably well to haemodialysis.”


In conclusion, Dr. Columbo cautioned patients to take extra care when taking any medicine, especially over-the-counter products such as milk of magnesia.

“Recognition of the constellation of symptoms and signs of severe hypermagnesaemia is imperative. Timely treatment with diuresis, intravenous calcium and haemodialysis is highly effective in preventing significant morbidity and mortality associated with hypermagnesaemia,” she said.

Natural alternatives to relieve constipation

This case emphasizes the importance of using medicines correctly. The elderly patient already had renal failure yet insisted on ingesting too much milk of magnesia, which in itself is beneficial. Nevertheless, it calls to mind that there are no absolutes when it comes to health. Too much of anything, especially when you’re already not in tip-top shape, is dangerous. You can die if you abuse medications or even supplements. A simpler way to treat certain conditions can be to take the natural route instead. (Related: Controlling Constipation the Natural Way: Ancient Asian Remedy Provides Healthy Alternative to Laxatives (press release).)

  • Eat more probiotics and prebiotics — Several studies have highlighted the benefits of taking in more prebiotics and probiotics in relieving chronic constipation. They do so by producing more lactic acid and short-chain fatty acids which make it easier to pass stools.
  • Add fiber to your meals — Those who are chronically constipated should introduce fiber to their diet. Fiber increases the bulk and consistency of bowel movements and make them easier to pass.
  • Drink more water — Surprisingly, a lot of us don’t drink enough water. A large part of our liquid intake is sugary and energy drinks. These carbonated drinks however make constipation worse. The best option to remain hydrated is to drink water.
  • Try prunes — There are studies that say that eating prunes and drinking their juice may treat constipation. We recommend around 50 grams (that’s more or less seven medium-sized prunes) twice a day.

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