07/25/2018 / By Isabelle Z.
As Alzheimer’s disease continues to grow in prevalence around the world, scientists are searching frantically for a cure. Of course, it’s very difficult to find a solution to the problem without knowing what causes it. There are lots of theories about the role that could be played by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, but little in the way of concrete evidence.
The idea that calcification of the pineal gland could be behind the illness is starting to gain some traction. Intracranial calcifications can accumulate in a person’s brain as they age and can affect brain structures such as the choroid plexus, the pineal gland, and the habenula. In fact, pineal gland calcification can be seen in two thirds of adults.
The pineal gland is responsible for secreting the hormone melatonin. While most people associate this with sleep regulation, not everyone is aware that it has been found to protect people against more than 100 different health conditions including some types of cancer. Pineal gland calcification has been negatively correlated in studies with disturbances in sleep rhythm. Moreover, people with less calcification in their pineal gland have been found to have more melatonin in their saliva.
One known feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. Melatonin can inhibit the formation of the plaques that can lead to Alzheimer’s, but it cannot do anything to reverse the formation of existing plaques. This makes it more suitable as a preventive measure than a treatment. Studies have shown that giving mice sufficient amounts of melatonin earlier in life can prevent Alzheimer’s later on.
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Strengthening this connection is the fact that Alzheimer’s patients tend to be deficient in melatonin and have higher degrees of pineal gland calcification than those with other types of dementia. Moreover, Green Med Info points out that sleep disturbances are considered a driver of Alzheimer’s because wakefulness raises the levels of the amyloid beta protein that has been linked to the disease, whereas sleep reduces it.
Should brain calcification prove to be the primary driver of Alzheimer’s, finding ways to inhibit this calcification could therefore be a good strategy for preventing or treating the disease. The good news is that scientists already have a strong idea of what can cause calcification. For example, people can avoid exposure to environmental contaminants and cytotoxic materials that cause brain damage to stem their risk. Another potential approach is stress reduction as stress has been linked to pineal gland calcification in animals.
In addition, people can turn to natural neuroprotective agents to help prevent calcification damage. For example, curcumin, the polyphenol found in turmeric, has been found to offer a wide range of functions that support and protect the brain. In fact, one Japanese study found the patients with Alzheimer’s disease who had shown severe cognitive decline, anxiety, apathy, agitation, and irritability noted an improvement in their symptoms after supplementing with turmeric powder for one year.
A diet that is rich in healthy fat has also been shown to improve neurological health, along with memory and cognition. That’s why some Alzheimer’s patients are noting improvements with coconut oil.
There are also some steps you can take to stimulate your pineal gland’s production of melatonin. For example, sleeping in a room that is very dark and has no ambient light can boost its production. Experts suggest creating twilight conditions in your home for several hours before you go to sleep by keeping your lights dim and removing sources of light from the bedroom.
A definitive Alzheimer’s cure may still be a long ways off, but as you can see, there is plenty you can do now to reduce your risk.
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Tagged Under: Alzheimer's, amyloid plaques, brain calcification, brain health, melatonin, mental health, natural remedies, nutrients, pineal gland, pineal gland calcification, prevention, research