03/26/2018 / By Jessica Dolores
A case study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine documented a case report of a female patient who had developed rheumatoid arthritis (RA) a month after giving birth. The patient, who was diagnosed with amavata, was successfully treated with the use of Ayurvedic principles.
- The subject is a 27-year old mother who complained of pain and swelling in both knees and ankles, morning stiffness, anorexia, and body aches. According to the patient, the symptoms started a month after a full term delivery by caesarian section.
- Based on guidelines set forth by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), the symptoms that the subject exhibited were consistent to that of RA. Using Ayurvedic principles, the patient was diagnosed with amavata.
- The following were given to the patient for treatment.
- Simhanada guggulu (250 mg) and Pratapalankeshwara rasa (250 mg), administered thrice a day after meals
- Dashamoola katutraya kashaya (20 mL), given with warm water twice daily after food intake
- A combination of Swarnabhupati rasa (60 mg), mahavatavidhvansa (125 mg) and Tapyadi loha (125 mg) and Chopachini (Smilax china), Shunthi (Zinziber officinale), and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), taken twice a day with honey.
- The patient also underwent panchakarma treatment, which included the topical application of medicated oil and sudation of the body in a wooden steam chamber and kala basti.
- At the end of the first 15 days of treatment, there was a significant decrease in body ache and anorexia. The need for analgesics was also cut down.
- A month after the procedure, there was a noticeable reduction in morning stiffness, with it being grossly reduced, together with tenderness and joint edema 75 days after the start of medication.
- Four months after the start of treatments, the patient was free of symptoms and did not need analgesics.
Researchers concluded that with the right use of Ayurveda principles, relief from RA is possible, especially when lactation in mothers limits the use of modern medicines.
Find the full text of the study at this link.
Journal Reference:
Deshpande SV, Deshpande VS, Potdar SS. EFFECT OF PANCHAKARMA AND AYURVEDIC TREATMENT IN POSTPARTUM RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (AMAVATA): A CASE STUDY. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. January—March 2017;8(1):42–44. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaim.2016.10.003
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