03/06/2018 / By Jessica Dolores
Stress can maim, even kill. People who work under tremendous pressure get sick more often. They’re human time bombs waiting to explode.
On the other hand, people who don’t let stress overwhelm them are resilient and upbeat. Their immune system is stronger, so they can fight disease better. They perform better at work and in school. They have energy to enjoy life on their own or with their loved ones.
Thankfully, Mother Nature can help. Here are nature’s top stress-busters. (h/t to WakingTimes.com.)
- Magnesium — Dr. Mark Hyman, director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine warns that a tight, irritable, cramp and stiff feeling are signs of magnesium deficiency. So it’s important to have an ample amount of magnesium in the body. Magnesium resides mainly in bones, muscles and brain. It’s the cell’s powerhouse, enabling it to produce over 300 biochemical chemicals in the body, relax nerves and muscles, maintain a healthy immune system, keep the heart beating steadily, and the bones strong. Magnesium is found in avocados, Brazil nuts, brown rice, cashews, dark leafy greens, oily fish, and raw cacao.
- L-Theanine — This amino acid has the effect of a lemon balm. It soothes your nerves. A study by Netherlands’ Unilever Food and Health Research Institute shows that L-theanine “has a significant effect on the general state of mental alertness or arousal.” The study also showed that 50mg of L-theanine leads to a rise in alpha brain activity. Meanwhile, clinical trials at the Cleveland Clinic show that L-theanine increased alpha wavelength and promoted attentiveness, relaxation, and creativity. L-theanine is found in the tea plant Camellia sinensis. This is why sipping a hot cup of green or black tea calms your nerves and makes you less jumpy. You learn to focus on the work at hand.
- Vitamin B12 — The National Institute of Health reports that vitamin B12 promotes the formation of red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout the body, manage normal neurological functions, and maintain DNA synthesis which are the keys in fighting disease. It heightens alertness, sharpens memory and concentration, and relieves stress. You’ll find B12 in seafood like clams, trout, salmon and tuna. B12 is also present in other animal products: grass-fed beef, organic milk and yogurt, and organic eggs and poultry. Other sources of B12 are coconut milk, cereals and nutritional yeast.
- Probiotics — Depression and anxiety — companions of stress — lead to poor mental health and destroy resilience. An unhealthy gut flora worsens things by leading to anxiety and depression. That’s why a healthy gut is essential to mental health and increased resilience amidst stress. One way to achieve this is by having an ample supply of Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria. Researchers at Ireland’s University College Cork found that Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria in the brain ease stress-related problems like anxiety and depression.
- Potassium — This mineral lowers blood pressure and promotes maximum muscle function. Researchers from Australia’s Deakin University concluded that a low-sodium, high-potassium diet lifts the spirits and fights depression and tension. Leafy greens, especially beet greens and spinach are rich in potassium. Other sources are bananas, avocados and sweet potatoes.
- Ashwagandha — This herb is popular for relieving stress, fighting inflammation, and promoting energy and stamina. A control trial at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine supports the benefits of ashwagandha. Researchers administered different breathing techniques and 300 mg of ashwagandha to a Neuropathic Care (NC) group. A second group got psychological intervention. The trial took eight to 12 weeks. The ashwagandha group experienced less fatigue, more vitality, concentration, better mental health and quality of life.
- Valerian root — This ancient herb is a good weapon against sleeplessness. University of Maryland Medical Center scientists state that the valerian raises the percentage of the chemical gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA controls nerve cells, calming the mind and reducing anxiety.

Stress may be an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to succumb to its claws. Read more articles on how you can naturally fight stress at Cures.news.
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