How to beat stage 4 cancer: For one man, going vegan and quitting chemo saved his life

Given only weeks to live, one man defied the odds and beat stage 4 cancer, thanks to a change in diet.

In an article featured in the Daily Mail, Rob Mooberry recounted how he was rushed to the hospital with a perforated colon back in July 2012. Scans later revealed that he had colorectal cancer which had already metastasized to other parts of his body, such as the bowels, lymph nodes, and liver.

It was then that doctors told the father-of-two that he would need to have a colostomy bag installed, as well as additional surgery in the gut. Furthermore, he would have to undergo two rounds of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The first round of treatment was able to reduce his cancer enough to be downgraded to 3A; however, this left him so weak and feeling worse about himself that he said he “couldn’t take it anymore.” He proceeded to look for ways to flush the chemicals out of his body before starting another round of treatment.

It was then that he started a plant-based, alkaline diet, with his vegetarian wife Amanda, after learning from research that indicated sugar and processed food increased tumors. The results of the switch were clear in the next scan – his cancer had shrunk by almost 80 percent.

Currently, he is in his fifth year of being cancer-free and raising two 20-month old twins, as well as running a small cancer charity aside from his bartending job to help other patients.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Mooberry admits that the new-found attention he gained after his story became viral is new to him, particularly him being touted as a vegan advocate. “I’m not standing on my soapbox saying everyone needs to go plant-based and vegan,” he said. “But if you’re going to ask me what worked for me, I’ll tell you: This diet.”

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He also recalled getting the shock of his life upon hearing the news, since no one in his family had a history of cancer. Additionally, he was already into fitness – as he ran regularly and maintain a lean protein diet.

Prior to his diagnosis, Mooberry said that he had already been experiencing symptoms in his body – such as bloating and blood in the stool, as well as a change in bowel movements. But he decided to ignore the symptoms.

That was until July 2012, when he was hospitalized due to a “searing pain in his abdomen.” Doctors discovered that this was because of a micro perforation in his colon, which did not allow anything to pass by it. They also discovered that the cancer had spread in his body, which may have been lingering for over two years. Still, Mooberry persisted and fought the disease and began the arduous process of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

“It was horrible,” he recalled. “I had to take time off work, I had no energy, I felt sick. That kind of medicine puts so many chemicals in your body.”

After his diagnosis, he committed to becoming as healthy as possible, mainly due to his developing relationship with his new wife at the time, Amanda. While his wife was already vegetarian, Mooberry decided to take it further and go vegan. (Related: A vegan diet offers relief from inflammatory disease and reduces heart disease risk.)

He started out vegetarian prior to his first chemotherapy, but with the looming treatments and the way it made him feel, he decided to be vegan “to save his life” and turned to raw superfoods.

The results speak for themselves. When Mooberry went for his CT scan in 2013, his cancer has been reduced by 80 percent. When he was asked if he wanted to continue with chemotherapy, he declined.

By 2014, all traces of the cancer were gone.

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