5 ways to avoid the risky medical system this winter

Avoiding the silent tyranny of the modern medical system is one of the smartest things a person can do for their long-term health. This doesn’t mean that hospitals don’t have their usefulness, such as acute emergency situations, but they are significantly stretched past their professional capacity when they attempt to remedy common infections and heal chronic disease.

You really can’t blame them — healing is simply not what they have been taught to do. Their job is to diagnose, provide a disease label for the patient to own, and prescribe medications for its symptoms. This eventually leads to you being a prisoner in their system, hooked on drugs, surgeries, and toxic therapies. Of course, there is no way to get healthy inside this asylum so if you don’t want to end up in a waiting room or a hospital bed this Winter, you need to create a healthy environment inside your own home and have the finest natural remedies stocked.

This checklist is a significant start.

Indoor air purification

Indoor air is usually of little concern to most people, but when you consider the amount of dirty air you “eat” (every 2 to 3 seconds) on a daily basis inside your home, you start to realize that it’s one of the most important things to clean up, and also one of the easiest.

Indoor air pollution has been widely recognized as a serious environmental health risk, and the more time spent indoors with poor air quality, the more the likelihood that you are going to get sick. When you consider the concentration of pollutants found indoors is significantly higher than those found outdoors, and that more people spend time indoors than outdoors (especially in Winter), you can begin to appreciate what chronic exposure to low grade toxic factors can do to your immune system.


But what could possibly be circulating in your air that you can’t see that will have a strong negative impact on your indoor air quality? Consider the following:

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) – released from particleboard desks, furniture, carpets, glues, paints, and perfumes
  • Bioaerosols – biological agents produced from mold spores, allergy producing microbes, mites, and animal dander
  • Infectious agents – airborne bacteria and viruses

Since most of these are unseen by the human eye, they can easily infiltrate and wreak havoc in the lungs as well as depress your immune system. This can often lead to a trip to the doctor for medications, which opens the revolving door for more visits in the future.

If avoiding the medical system is a priority of yours, cleaning up your indoor air is crucial. Start in your home by getting more plants and an air purifier that removes these indoor contaminants and keeps it as fresh as pure mountain air. This selection of indoor air purifiers will help.

Water purification

Another simple but prominent way you can support your immune system is to ensure your water is pure and well-mineralized. This immediately removes tap water, bottled water, and most filtration systems as legitimate options because they are either very toxic (containing toxins like chlorine and fluoride), and/or strip the water of it’s natural health-enhancing minerals.

When you consider that your body is up to 75 percent water, and that you can only live without it for 3 or 4 days, you get a strong indication of how important water is to your health. It’s arguably the next most important thing to oxygen, which you can only live without for 3-4 minutes.

The only sure way to get purified water is to invest in a system that can remove these contaminants, and provide clean, pure, and well-mineralized water on a daily basis. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how good you feel when you get one of these systems inside your home.

The Big Berkey Water Filtration System is a great example of a system that will ensure your water is clean and maintains its mineral content.


With estimates that the body has 10 times more bacteria than cells (over 100 trillion), it becomes clear that maintaining a proper bacterial balance is critical for long-term health, and quite possibly the most important thing you do. This means you need to keep the optimal balance of 85 percent good bacteria to 15 percent bad bacteria in check, so that your immune system is supported and can destroy foreign invaders that threaten your health.

Unfortunately, one round of antibiotics can destroy these good bacteria quite easily. In fact, any medication will have a negative affect on this delicate balance, as well as processed foods, sugar, and alcohol.

This is why probiotics have become so important. With a lack of them in the soil and therefore our food, we now need to rely on culturing foods and creating supplements that can introduce these friendly bacteria into our bodies. Things like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, and apple cider vinegar have become very popular choices, and can be ingested multiple times daily for optimal bacterial health. On top of that, you can also consider probiotic-enriched foods and supplements, to ensure you are getting more than adequate amounts of probiotics (a risk of overdose on probiotics is extremely low, in most cases).

You can get a wide selection of probiotic rich supplements and foods in the Health Ranger Store.

Vitamin C

Any threat to the body is going to require a strong and appropriate immune system response. To make sure this occurs, it needs to be supported through proper nutrients and cleansing.

Fortunately, vitamin C has a superior ability to support the immune system and is quite easy to use, so often is an easy add-in to the home remedy kit. A good dose of vitamin C at the onset of any immune challenging consequences provides your immune system with the support it requires to battle the internal invaders in your favor. Therefore, having some around is one more arrow in your natural remedies quiver to help your body destroy unfriendly microbes, before they try to destroy you.

Get the Health Ranger’s Nutrition Rescue Non-GMO Vitamin C Powder to get the full benefits of vitamin C.

Colloidal silver

Another remedy that has gained some significant attention of late is colloidal silver. This is not a new remedy to the health industry, but rather an old one made new, as hospitals actively used it until the 1930’s when prescription drugs then became the go-to method of treatment. [Find out ten ways you can use colloidal silver.]

Like vitamin C, colloidal silver has a tremendous impact on immune system support, by helping the body disable and remove foreign pathogens that compromise health. It’s found in tincture bottles, sprays, and even gels to clean the surface of the area that has been infected. It’s simplicity, versatility, and palatability make it easy to use for adults, kids, and even pets. Get Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol – 10 ppm for a high quality silver product.

Even though these five home remedies can do an excellent job of keeping you out of the medical system this Winter, there are certainly more things you could add to the list like enzymes, herbs, food-based multivitamins, and more. The more you load up on these immune supporting nutrients, the better the odds you can solve any challenges you face in the warmth and comfort of your own home (as opposed to germ-filled, uncomfortable, and boring waiting rooms).

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