03/28/2017 / By D. Samuelson
When making decisions about the food you eat, you do your best to avoid ingesting GMOs, sodium nitrates, pesticides and aspartame. When your children are running on their school playground, you certainly don’t want them breathing in the neurotoxic mutagenic chemicals and heavy metals found in biosludge. So when you’re cleaning your sinks, shower stalls and toilet bowls, do you have the same diligence to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangerous chemicals found in the most popular cleaning products?
Organicauthority.com points out that one of the most popular toilet bowl cleaners, Lysol Disinfectant Power Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Lime & Rust Remover, has a warning label that states “harmful or fatal if swallowed.” Wearing safety goggles is also recommended when pouring it into your toilet. What about that plastic container of Comet under the sink? Did you know it has 146 chemical compounds, including, “formaldehyde, benzene, chloroform and toluene,” which aren’t even on the label? Maybe you’ve been thinking there’s a better way. You’re right! There is. Healthyholisticliving.com shares seven eco friendly ingredients that will guarantee a sparkling clean without any exposure to dangerous chemicals.
Sinks and showers are where dirt accumulates and soap scum is common. Due to the acidic nature of the fabulous lemon, it causes a degreasing action when you rub the lemon onto the faucets. Soon, the shine will return.
Just say no to those toxic toilet cleaners. Pour white vinegar into the tank instead. Then spray more vinegar around the outside and under the seat. Wipe clean. If the toilet is clogged, add baking soda to your vinegar to ignite a chemical reaction. Wait till the bubbling stops, then flush again.
You’ll brew at least three tea bags for 8 ounces of black tea that you will pour into a spray bottle. Spray generously. Use newspaper to wipe off your windows and say goodbye to the streaks left by chemical laden glass cleaners.
This is so simple, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Use 1/4th cup hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup baking soda and just 1 teaspoon of a non-toxic liquid dish soup. Combine in a clean, pourable bottle and use this thick mixture to sponge on everything from grout and floors to counters and cabinets.
Grime won’t stay when you scrub with equal parts of non-toxic dish soap and the white vinegar.
Are you standing in water in the shower? You may to extract hair from the drain. Pour white vinegar and baking soda down first. Let the bubbles arise. Grab a tool to remove the drain cap and a few paper towels to extract the loosened hair. It’s a little unpleasant but it’s a billion times better than Drano.
Mold loves wet places and that includes the shower. Remove it with a two step process. First, “combine one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water into [a] bottle and spray directly onto the mold.” After this dries completely, do a rinse with water.
Another way to reduce mold is to scrub with hot water and castile soap for the first step. After that dries, spray the area with white vinegar.
All seven of these ideas are simple, inexpensive and very easy methods that anyone can use to say farewell to toxic concoctions. Your entire family will benefit.
Discover more great ideas for Green Living at GreenLivingNews.com.
Tagged Under:
avoid toxic cleaning products, Baking Soda, Eco friendly cleaning, hydrogen peroxide, Lemon, White Vinegar
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